Sep 21, 2013

Fall Spruce-Up and The Cotton is in bloom.

I enjoyed a walk today.  The weather was just wonderful.  So with the Fall weather coming I decided to take a few pictures on this walk up our long dirt driveway.
I love the look of cotton.

It amazes me the dark pink or red blooms on the same bush as the white ones

This little wild flower is so dainty and pretty in with the fluffy cotton

Back home again

Hibiscus House has been getting some needed repair and paint.
I am so excited and thankful to our son in law, John he has been working so hard. I hesitate to call him son in law because he is the only son I know, having only the girls he is a son to me and I'm so glad we have him.

I am thrilled, he even weeded my little brick walkway!
Thank you John!
I hope you are all having a good weekend. Can you believe it is almost Fall?  I sure can't and wonder just where the time went.  I still have Spring and Summer Flowers that I haven't shared with you.  I may share them later anyway when nothing else is blooming when all is dormant. The nip in the air makes one want something warm to drink and eat and cozy up under...It is also a time to do indoor things like, oh I don't know redo, rearrange, I have begun a little of that and will share later.  Hibiscus House isn't that old but still can use a good sprucing up. I'll take some after pictures to share with you later.

 One of my dearest and oldest friends just bought a new home and I will share her love of antiques and the stories behind them soon.  This is also a great time of year to sew and create.  I have to make a few draperies, pillows and a bed skirt for a couple of people so I just may share their custom orders with you too. I also need to make a new kitchen and master bath curtain as well for here.
I'll see you soon!


Other posts about Cotton. I guess I do love cotton.
Walking Through the Cotton Field

Fall Nature Scenes From Hibiscus House

Cotton at Hibiscus House

I love this song....too! Maybe I love cotton so because I love feel of cotton fabric and it is so crisp and soft at the same time. Heck I don't know I just do.
Ok I'm really gone now...I'll leave you with a song:

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