There are some things that we as southerners treasure and they are our Lord, our family, our friends, our history and our land. What goes on with each is very near and dear to our hearts.  We have true bonds with each.


When we were building Hibiscus House I would come out almost daily to see the progress and became so excited!  I could just imagine the things we would do, the people we would have over, and the wonderful food that would be enjoyed under the roof of this home.  That would also include the porch sitting, the conversations shared while having sweet tea and eating a wonderful sweet treat as well!

I remember going to work and hearing the song by Alan Jackson "Where I Come From".  I could not wait to cook in our new home and sit on our porch!

Oh, I am not a die-hard country music fan but it is a family tradition for sure.  I remember my grandma Cora cooking in the kitchen on her wood stove and grandpa Goodson playing country music.  It is a part of our family tradition.  I, however, love most music.  (no I don't favor rap at all, sorry but most music I love).

I fear that traditional southern traditions are slowing becoming a thing of the past.  The strong traditions we hold dear.  I certainly hope not and believe that these things need to be shared for future generations.

Join me as I share posts here from time to time!


IT'S PAST TIME!  Southern Sayings and Traditions



Sharing a video about our family church!
I no longer go there, but it still has such a big place in my heart!
It always will!


  1. Hi Dolly,
    I think Hibiscus house must be a wonderful place. You do a wonderful job of bringing it to life in your blog. This is a wonderful introduction.
    I agree that there are things that are not the same, but I really believe that there are so many things that matter that are still the same. God, love, family, tradition.
    God bless you,

    1. Oh Susie it is wonderful to hear from you. Such sweet sentiments, comments. I know
      you and I both enjoy so many of the same things and that is a bond.
      May God bless you too,

  2. Traditions are all we have to cling too as the world moves so fast now days, it’s. Hard to get our own family traditions started. Most of our traditions have to do with eating.
    My grandpaws passed before I was really old enough to enjoy their old stories. I wish I could go back and sit down with them a while and hear of their old stories and traditions. Daddy has a few but they are mostly Army stories of when he was a rowdy kid. Haha.

    1. I agree they bring all together and in a family when passed down become alive.  I was blessed to know my great grandmother for a short while but by that time she'd forgotten most and talked very little.  Her daughter told most of the stories and tradition on that side of the family on the other side my other grandmother told some. They are a tie that binds. Like you if I could bring them back I'd ask more and actually listen more to the stories.  When we're younger those things don't seem important then later we wish we'd listened. Guess we take what we know and like you say make our own traditions. Yes my Daddy told a few army stories too well sugar coated them with us girls anyway. I found out much more as you know after he died.
      So nice to hear from you.
