Nov 30, 2013

The Little Recipe Box Full of Memories!

 Here it is today, over 41 years old

I received this in 1972 at my bridal shower. Each guest was asked to write down one of their favorite recipes for me to keep in the new box.  I have a few recipes in the box and some of them are very funny.  I'm grateful for them.  I know it's hard writing a recipe from memory when put on the spot.  If you cook lots there will be some that you will know by heart. 

Just yesterday while going through the recipes I found another that Mama had written.  I have never cooked it and didn't even know it was in there. I'll have to cook it and share later.  What a great Thanksgiving surprise.  I would take nothing for it especially since she recently passed away.

This is what my box looks like today, after my recipe search for Thanksgiving.
I really need to organize and clean it up!

Don't you think that is a great idea? It doesn't have to be at a shower.  The next gathering have your friends and loved ones to write down some of their recipes for you. You won't be sorry to have it and in their own handwriting that is priceless!

My contribution to the box at that shower 19 years of age and wow look at the horrible handwriting!
Check out the prices of this fast food restaurant.

My maid of honor with her contribution.
Skyview one of our very favorite Drive-Ins

A special note the drive in was featured in the movie "Shag"

Check it out, and check out the price in 1972 for a chicken box!
Great memories!  Irreplaceable

You might as well watch these videos with a few scenes 
From The Sky View, and some of Myrtle Beach too.



South Carolina designated the shag as the official state dance in 1984. The Shag is a type of swing dance that developed during the 1930's and 40's combining nimble footwork with upbeat rhythm and blues (known as beach music, which is recognized separately as a symbol of South Carolina).
Shagging originated at open-air beach parties on the North and South Carolina coasts (North Carolina also recognized the shag as a state symbol in 2005).

Sharing with these fine blog hops:


  1. I agree, Some of my favorite recipes are family recipes and those from friends.

    1. Hey Michelle,
      I know you have some of the best recipes that's for sure. I hope you and the family have had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. This is a fantastic recipe memory box! I wish I would have had one at my shower ! I'll have to remember this as we go to showers for the younger girls.

    1. Kathy,
      It was such a great time I can remember the fun as if it were yesterday...sound like my grandmother now. Lol Seriously though it is a cute idea and years from now the bride may smile like I did to reminisce over the contents. The added plus to this is that you get fabulous recipes.

  3. Dolly, this is such a wonderful memory. What a wonderful idea for a new bride. A keepsake..and treasure trove of memories.

  4. What a beautiful memory. I just LOVED this story that you told and all the different memories that you still carry :) :) In fact, when and if I ever get married, I think I'd like to have people do this for me. What a beautiful keepsake and treasure :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

    1. Heather you are one special young lady, so very sweet. I thank you for such nice compliments. You would love the memories in the making. You could do that with any gathering have your friends and loved ones to do that for you and you for them. The topic could be different too. Anything that interests you and your friends would be great. Take care and love and hugs to you too!

    2. I was searching the internet for pictures of the Sky View and found your site. But what really got me was the Hermies reference! I used to ride my bike to the Hermies on Palmetto street. There was also a Hermies near McLeneghan high school I think.

    3. Hi, it is so good to hear from you! I love that we have these memories!
