Sep 24, 2014

Peaceful Beach

It has been quite awhile since I got away from home; so when the family said "Mom let's go to the beach!"  I finally went!  I am not a photographer but must have taken hundreds of pictures.  

It was so very windy, wet and cloudy most of the time.  So windy in fact that our chairs had to be weighted down and my eyes were red and swollen.  The sand was blowing like a sandstorm and cutting into our skin.  Did that stop us?  No we hadn't been there this year and were going to enjoy it if we had to weight ourselves down..darn it this was going to be fun....Do you want to know when we saw the sun?  The morning we had to pack up and leave...funny stuff...I'm glad we live close to the beach and could go often.  That is if we would.  I have to change that.

Everybody needs a little rest and change of scenery....Today I share in pictures of the beautiful beach.....even in bad weather there is beauty.

Look at that face isn't he adorable?

This is my big boy!

Love these little ones

Look at the ocean.  Can you hear the waves?  I can.

I picked up tons of seashells.  Some for craft projects and some for other reasons. 


 I'll share one more today because I had such fun photographing the boys and the birds 
I made this to make fun of my photography...

That's all for today but with hundred of photos I'm sure it would be hard not to share more...

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