Jan 29, 2021



Oh my goodness who couldn't use a bit of fun with relaxing activity these days?  I know most of us could.  

Today I'm sharing mostly in pictures (trying not to yak on and on-.did I say that?).  This is going to be a fishing kayaking trip.

Join me as I share the trips...

First Trip

A very cold day!

Her Pa Pa would be so proud!
The girl can fish!

This one is a born fisherman!

Oskar wouldn't let them leave the yard without him!

Brave Oskar
He took a swim that day and enjoyed himself

Getting a cool drink of water

What a beautiful pond!

Most Recent Trip 
On one of the seldom seen sunny days!

Getting ready to fish

Getting a good look!

The fish
Good catch!

My girl has done it again!

Happy catch!

I hope you enjoyed your virtual fishing trips
Kayaking seems to make it even more fun!
This pond is so beautiful!

Who's ready to go fishing?
I'm ready to eat some fish myself!
Not these they threw them back 
Later they will possibly catch them again
One of the trips they actually did re-catch on a broken line
Removed the line and threw him back in!

Enjoy your weekend!

All pictures copyrighted Hibiscus House Blog


  1. These photos should be in a Sports magazine!
    I love to fish. It’s been a long time. I just dont have a fishing partner or a lake. Lol.
    Can’t get Nick to take me. Daddy always took me when I was small but he just don’t have it in him anymore.

    1. I'll tell Catie and what a great compliment that is.  Thank you!  She took those with her phone.  The girl is talented. 
      I hope you get to go fishing one day soon. I love that your Daddy took you.
      Mine would take us too. Poor man with five kids taking his great spot every time he would move and give to us. He would smile as he did it for each.
      Great memories. 
