Jan 26, 2021

CHICKEN TALK: How Many Are Hens?

That is the question when you have chicks that have no telltale signs.  Some breeds have signs that let you know if they are roosters or hens.  

I am no expert for sure at sexing chicks so it has been a little wait and see.  

I did keep checking their legs to see if they had that little spur up on the back of the leg that seems to become a rooster.  I know that isn't foolproof but around here it has shown them to be roosters.

If our history of chicken keeping tells us anything it is that if we have 6 chickens the odds are at least 4 will start crowing prancing around and fighting.  Yes, it isn't good to have too many roosters in the chicken yard.

It has been months and finally, we have an answer!  You know the answer lets us know just how many eggs we will be getting and that is a good thing.

The We Have New Chicks post  showed that three of the four hatched on June 13, 2020


The last of these hatched on June 14, 2020 

Here they are at 2 weeks old so cute.

The Chicks Are Growing post showed them at a little gangly stage.

Sadly we lost the cute little white chick at around a month of age.  It had the cutest personality.

The Father/Rooster and Two black Hens 

One or Both of them evidently are the Mothers. They show no signs of love toward the chicks.
This breed has not shown me much for laying many eggs at all.  As a matter of fact, they completely stopped laying when the first cold snap came in the Fall and haven't laid one egg between them yet.

I've never had such poor layers as these at such a young age.  But guess what the Good Lord saw fit for the yellow in their breed to become mothers and want to give us new chicks.  

In the middle of a Pandemic that is a true blessing.  I try to remember to thank God for the blessing when I go out to tend them.

Surrogate Mother

The chicks had a surrogate mother to sit on the eggs. She to this day goes around their pen daily many times talking to and nurturing them. Her twin sister, their aunt, also took turns sitting on the eggs, but sadly she was killed recently.  A predator got into the chicken yard. Only feathers were left I think it was an owl.  

This breed is very skittish

Most of the time this is what I call a good shot of them

They keep their water bowl full of dirt with their continuous scratching

It has also rained about eighty percent in the past few months around here

I have some Spring Cleaning to do in this chicken yard 


(Southern  for take a look at this)

The first egg!  Laid on December 7, 2020

Almost 6 months of age

How Exciting!

I don't care how many chickens you have raised over the years it is always exciting when they lay their first egg!  I started watching the nests at 18 weeks.  We have had some to lay between 18-21 weeks of age.  Evidently, this breed is slow to begin laying or these have been.

Even more exciting!

Jan. 21, 2021

We have three eggs!

Three Hens!

Today January 21, 2021, I found out definitely that we have three hens!  Yay, what a blessing that was given to us.  Thank you, God!  I watched for a few days to make sure each one was laying and just not a late layer after collecting eggs.  

Yes we lost the precious white one and it may have been a rooster but it would have been so special. I'm excited about the eggs can you tell?

When you first start out raising chickens it is fun to try different breeds and the colorful eggs make it so worthwhile.  Time and work it does take some work to keep them so later on you may decide to stick with a few breeds not so many chickens mean less feed less work and less expense. 

Speaking of expense you don't go into chicken rearing for the savings in fact you need to know it can be very expensive.  The rewards are well worth it!  The more delicious rich and healthier farm-fresh eggs from your own backyard make it so worthwhile!

Some chicken-keeping supplies can save you money as seen in this post.  
It is a great feeder and I'd never have chickens without one. 

The Grandpa Feeder is worth its weight in gold and pays for itself in record time.  Less waste of chicken feed means savings!

It's Official We Have Three Hens!

This journal of mine comes in handy, although dates and such may bore some

Others new to raising chickens might find it helpful.

Have a great week!


  1. I have learned alot from this post ty Dolly

  2. Interesting post. I have questions, “what do you do with the chickens that retire?” How do you keep the rosters away from the eggs? And how can you tell if the egg is fertilized or not?

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Well my grandpa would have had grandma to put them in a pot for dinner. He would be so amazed or ashamed (haha) that I have a retirement home for older chickens. I always keep feed and keep them. I put them out to graze and enjoy the rest of their lives. They are so sweet at that age. Budget and farm wise they probably would be given away culled out or eaten.

      The roosters have never bothered the eggs in many years. They if their roosts aren't high enough will sleep in egg boxes and poop on the eggs. I hate when they do that so I try to have roosts up higher.

      I have trouble telling when an egg is fertilized. There seems to be a distinct white circle sometimes with a ring around it like a bullseye in the eggs. It is harmless and if you aren't letting the hen/s set on the eggs you can still eat the eggs. Link about fertilized eggs. https://the-chicken-chick.com/facts-and-myths-about-fertile-eggs/

      The white little blobs you sometimes see in store bought or home eggs is something different altogether. It is called a Chalaza (seen in photo email) and is harmless. Many eggs have those. link here: https://www.mic.com/articles/140451/this-is-what-those-white-squiggly-things-on-egg-yolks-are

      Thanks for the questions. Are you thinking about raising some? You will enjoy them I know if you decide to do so.

    2. Ha ha ha sorry I wrote a book of a reply Didn't mean too...
