Jan 30, 2012

Charleston, How I Love That City

Sharing a wonderful time in Charleston, S. C.

Chuck and I stayed at this beautiful Inn. I loved it, so secluded and nice.
It is of course across the street from the Battery Park in Charleston, SC
We are so blessed to live in the most beautiful state. I know that I am prejudiced but it is so true.
South Carolina Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.....

Benne Wafers

We enjoyed it so much a few years back and I think it is time we returned.
If you are in our fair state of South Carolina, please pay a visit to Charleston.
You will not regret it.
The beauty, the history, the architecture, the romance of this wonderful place you will never forget.

Next Blog:  Beautiful Homes and more sightseeing pictures of Charleston.

Yes, my all time favorite movie is
Gone With The Wind....


  1. I wasn't able to comment earlier today. I just love Charleston too. I live about 1 hour away from the wonderful city. Your bed and breakfast looks fabulous!

  2. I have wanted to visit Charleston since I was a child. I LOVE Gone With The Wind too. I wish I could convince my Southern California born husband to move out that way. I belong in the dirt outside and South Carolina is a dirt lover's playground. You are so blessed to live there Dolly. The Battery Carriage House Inn looks delightful. I love your pics of the courtyard. I can imagine how lovely Battery Park must be. I could not open the link for the history of the Benne wafers, but I'd like to know the story. Thank you Dolly for sharing these beautiful images. I enjoyed viewing and listening to the Tara Theme. Have a great week.

  3. Oh Heidi, you should visit if you get the chance! I have tried to fix the link and now it is working or it should be. So sorry to everyone I have had technical problems all morning. Have a great week too!

  4. I am so ahamed to say that I have lived in SC all my life and have never seen the sights of Charleston. I've been there but never seen it. Dolly, "Gone with the wind" was my mom's favorite movie and is mine and Nezzie's too.

  5. OK "Gone with the wind" was a favorite of my mom's and is mine and nezzie's too. I'm also ashamed to say that as many times as I have been to Charleston I have never seen the "sights". Maybe one day I'll get to.

  6. I know most of the book and author was centered in Georgia, but Charleston and Rhett Butler! It is never too late to see it! Teri and those years ago did not enjoy it and they live there. I think they do enjoy it now..I sure want to go back again..you should too. Glad you stopped in on blog...

  7. I love Charleston. I was there only once, for a business seminar, and had only a few hours of free time before I had to join my group. I stayed at the Citadel so I got to my room, put on tennis shoes and walked downtown as fast as I could. Some lovely local young people stopped to speak to me and asked if I wanted to pet their . . . get this . .. .hedgehog! It was a baby and oh so cute. It balled up just like in Sonic. Of course I did pet it. How many people get to pet a hedgehog? Then they gave me some suggestions of what to do. I jumped on one of the lottery horse drawn carriage tours and saw the most amazing sights. We ate at a place called SNOB- Slightly North of Broad, had a wonderful time and left me longing to return. It's the most beautiful, lovely place.

  8. Hi Kathy sounds like you accomplished a lot in your time. I'm impressed! My daughter has always wanted to own a hedgehog. So glad you stopped by!

  9. Charleston ROCKS! Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  10. Thanks to you for having the newbie party!

  11. I don't think I've ever been to Charleston unlesss I went as a child. The outdoor picture you shared and the gazebo are stunning, and the Inn looks like a great place for a relaxing vacation. Thanks for letting everyone know about this wonderful vacation spot on my party!

  12. Thank you so much if you ever get the chance to go do. YOu will have a great time. So glad you came by and thanks for hosting the party.
