Jan 2, 2021

A Childlike Christmas For 2020


Recently I spoke about how I basically did nothing this year in the form of decorating.  John supplied the greenery, my girls supplied some cute things and we put them up in a short time.  I call this a Childlike Christmas!

A Few Christmas Traditions and Memories

I remember as a child taking in all the sights smells and sounds of Christmas.  Some family members' homes smelled very delicious as things were always being cooked for the holidays!  They were the ones that had a pantry full of candy and didn't really mind if we peeked inside and took a sample or two.

Then the other homes were beautifully decorated with every item strategically placed.  They were very beautiful but you knew you'd better not touch them.  Those things were meant to be looked at only and boy did I look!  Their homes were filled with very delicious delicacies.  We didn't dare go into those pantries. 

I enjoyed being in both types of homes and never forgot the things that stay in my memories today. 

Childlike Christmas

Ma's old pie safe got a visit from Beach Frosty!

Even the Hoosier Cabinet got a big bow 

Candy not much more to be said about that one!

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Date Nut Balls
A Coconut Dump Cake in the background

Fruit and there were nuts as well

Dried these orange slices in the countertop oven for decorations

Catie's Staircase Theme is Hanzel & Gretel & Gingerbread Theme
'Can't catch me' with a twist called Children beware of the Gingerbread House There is a witch inside!
Catie at work decorating the staircase 
We all know only she can add the special touches that say Her (remember the rats on the staircase?)
Carly & John provided the greenery
We even threw in some Little Debbie Christmas Tree Traps for the young ones!

You can see it worked! They loved it!

Catie even used my clay Raggedy Ann flower pot (left) as a boiling pot!  The kids loved it!
That girl is something else!

Carly found this cute plastic canvas I really like it!

I love Magnolia

The ribbon was given to me by Carly
The orange slices add a different touch

The tree is simply decorated thanks to Catie and our little Brainiac


These Ornaments below were painted by Gaye a friend who is extremely talented I have two more she painted Catie gave to me and  I'll share those soon. Love her and her work!

I apologize for the photos it was late at night in the tree lighting only and my camera was acting up!

How cute is this?

Simple bow made and added to the inside front door

Simple beauty

Well friends as you can see by my latest posts and pics
My camera was on its last leg so to speak but guess what?
Chuck gave me a new one for Christmas!
I can't wait to read the manual and do my next 
'Drive-By Photo Shoots' as my girls call it!

Stay well and soon I'll show you my new stove!
It finally came!


  1. Everything so excited to see beautifully decorated and I love the oranges Girls you did such a wonderful job

  2. Sometimes those simple, childlike days/moments/decorations are the best to be had, Dolly. I'd say your place looked pretty festive even if you didn't go all out like you have other times.
    Can't wait to see your new stove. You can take a picture of it with your new camera! xo Diana

    1. I didn't think of that! Guess I better get to reading that manual for the camera!  It really does boil down to the fact that people are always the most important. I say it a lot but am finally realizing it.
      xoxo Dolly

  3. This is so cute. I think we all have a “child like Christmas” in our hearts.
