Executive Director
Jackie Moore
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
(803) 734-2144
It was a pleasure stopping to talk to Jackie Moore. I have seen her on the SCETV Program "Making It Grow". We do enjoy that show very much. I found out that she is the coordinator for our South Carolina State Farmers Market Festivals, along with many other duties. My family has certainly enjoyed the festivals for many, many years.
It was only recently that I have grown more interested in South Carolina's Specialty Foods. They are local, and fresher. We should promote these products throughout our wonderful state.
Jackie and Sally from Sally's Gourmet Foods
on''Making It Grow''
This is a copy of the membership guide she gave away at the Festival
It has listings of The 2011 Members of The South Carolina Specialty Food Association
This tells what their specialties are, where they are located and contact information.
For 18 years the South Carolina Specialty Food Association (SCSFA) has helped farmers, producers and retailers across the state grow their businesses through cooperative marketing programs, promotional campaigns and technical assistance.
A non-profit association, SCSFA is headquartered in Columbia and works in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.
SCSFA is governed by a board of directors that reflects the diversity of its membership. Our officers provide valuable assistance with public relations, special events and help for new members. Through our association, members are provided with a wealth of resources. The Association provides informative regional meetings in addition to our much anticipated annual meeting. We have national and statewide promotions for furthering the development and awareness of the SC specialty food industry and members have the opportunity to participate in trade shows promoting their SCSFA products. We are the only state organization to have a permanent showroom in the world's largest wholesale buying market in the country, Americas Mart in Atlanta, GA. Our members have the opportunity to appear on ETV's "Making it Grow" program that is now seen around the world.
We support the South Carolina Department of Agriculture's Certified South Carolina Program.
Buy South Carolina, Nothing's Fresher, Nothing's Finer!
Thanks Jackie for all you and the SCSFA do!!

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