Jun 28, 2012

Spotlight Michele Scaife

Hibiscus House
 is pleased to present our 
Spotlight Story of the Week

Michele Scaife

     Welcome to Simply Scaife Family Farm. Having grown up roaming the wide open prairie farm my grandparents’ owned, farm life is deep in my veins and close to my heart. The richness of soil, bounty of harvests and the hard work of herds and flock are treasured memories and valued parts of my modern life. My husband Donny and I, along with the help of our three teenagers (Nicole - 19, Jenny - 17, and Justin - 15), have spent the past twelve years making this house a home and this farm a productive, God honoring place of sustenance and self-sufficiency.

     On our small farm supports a herd of dairy goats and meat goats protected and loved my Doc our “herd donkey”.  My sweet Lab, Hadassah, keeps watchful eye over our bountiful flock of poultry as well as a few barn cats. I have to say, my deep conviction in farm life: you can never have too many tomatoes in your garden or too many chicks in your flock. Rows and rows of countless tomatoes take up a good portion of my garden, alongside the corn field, cucumbers, peppers, squash, green beans, and a handful of other plants. I think this past year I started, babied, and planted over a hundred tomato plants….as well as a good fifty new laying hens.

     When I’m not cleaning coops or pulling weeds I can be found at the quilt frame. Whether piecing a new pattern, finishing a vintage treasure, or binding off a quilt for the shop, my frame is always full and my sewing table overflowing with wonderful colors and textures.  The joy of finding homes for these pieces of love and history fills my soul with deep satisfaction and absolute joy.

      Since my children are growing up and moving on with college and work schedules of their own, my heart has been filled with a desire to teach others how to quilt, can, preserve, bake bread, make pickles, culture yogurt and cheese-all those homesteading necessities they are eager to learn. It’s such a blessing to watch these young women get excited over their first batch of jelly, homemade and self-canned, or to see their smiling face when they produce a straight line of quilted stitches.

    The Lord has been so very good to us- blessings beyond measure. It is our desire to pass on the gifts of knowledge and grace on our farm, in our blog, and by our shop. Thank you for stopping by.

Visit Simply Scaife Family Farm

Simply Scaife Family Farm


Simply Scaife Handmade ETSY Shop

Michele thank you for sharing your wonderful story.

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