Nov 13, 2012

Dot's Fall Garden Part Three

Part Two:  Dot's Fall Garden 

   So glad  you came to see the tour....Happy Fall  
Come again anytime.



  1. Hi Dolly,
    Somehow I missed part 1 and 2 of this series about your mother's gardens, so I went back and read them. I can tell that you got your green thumb and love of flowers from her! I love all of her birdhouses! I am praying that her pain is relieved and for strength for you.

  2. Oh- How very, very pretty. Gorgeous pictures. Everything here is brown and dead looking now- xo Diana

  3. Dolly, you have such a beautiful home and gardens! What a blessing it must be to be surrounded by so much beauty year round. I wish I had the time to play in the garden but my 3 kids will be gone from home soon enough... I will have lots of time then but will probably be wishing they were back home, hehe.

    I was catching up and see where your mom was not doing well. How is she now? I pray she is better.

    I probably won't be back before Thanksgiving next week so I want to wish you and your family a wonderful celebration time of family, laughter, and love. Enjoy~

  4. I want to thank each of you for I needed to hear from you all. Special people each one of you. I thank you for your prayers for Mama. We pray for a quick recovery. Love you all.

  5. Hi I am Sally your newest follower =)Beautiful pictures. Thank you for Co-hosting. Hope you'll find your way over to say hello.
    Have a great day!
