May 13, 2017

Hibiscus House Recipe: Strawberry ~ Banana Jam

Strawberries, who doesn't love them?  I know they are my favorite fruit and my next favorite is a good ripe banana.  Of course you do have to time that just right ripeness in the berries and bananas, then eat or preserve for best taste at that perfect time!  Today I'm sharing one of my own recipes and it is delicious!  They do call me the 'Strawberry Lady'.  

Nancy, a friend of mine convinced me to purchase the Ball FreshTECH Jam & Jelly Maker. I have made my own jam for over 40 years the old fashioned way and thought that this product would be of no use to me.  I have since come to realize that I do indeed like this, what I'd call a little luxury item.

Our memories of jam making bring first to mind the hot, burning steam that results in arms hurting, no matter how long the stirring spoon!  This I don't miss.  Also, I've learned that you can't give away fast enough a huge batch made the old fashioned way, (believe me I've given away more than I've kept).

Hibiscus House Product Review:  I recommend the Ball FreshTECH Jam & Jelly Maker, for making smaller quanties of jam but with free time to do other things near by.  The thing stirs the jam itself a huge plus!

Good Housekeeping Product Review

This recipe is my own and you are free to make for personal use only

Ladle into 8 0z Jelly Jars
Wipe tops clean
Add washed new lid
Add screw cap
Place in boiling water bath for 10 minutes
Remove from water bath and place on covered area where it will be out of the way for a day or so.
Cover with dishcloth
Check after 24 hours for seal by placing a finger in the center of the jar lid.  If it is solid it is sealed.  It it moves in center place in refrigerator and use immediately.  After 48 hours remove screw lids wipe clean and store in a cool, dark place.
Jam is best if used within one year.This little recipe makes 4 - 5 jelly jars 8 oz.

*You could of course make this jam without the jam & jelly maker but it makes for an easy, less hot way of making it. As always do not double this recipe because it may not jell.

I think this Strawberry Banana Jam, old favorite of my family will be good also.  My girls and the grands have all tested and say this is good.  Remember the Gerber Bananas Baby Food this recipe brings that to mind with the strawberry included of know I have to have my

Recipe Property of Hibiscus House Blog. Publishing is prohibited. Personal Use Only


  1. Yum, love homemade jelly. My mother made it when I was a child.

    1. Hi there! I know what you mean. My grandmothers and mother made it always. We have great memories don't we?

  2. I love this machine - I tell folks - get it!!! no more hot jam splashing you! Nancy!
