Sep 17, 2018

Hurricane Florence

Flooding in Marion, South Carolina GERALD HERBERT / AP

Hurricane Florence has finally come and gone from our area.  We are seeing flooding and damage happening in some areas.  I guess in the coming days and months we will know the extent of damage suffered.

To the on the job non stop television and weather crews covering the storm and keeping us updated, We thank you!  Some have picked about The Weather Channel making some of the reports worse than then were, and none of us want or need that untruth.  Sadly, there is enough happening in the Carolinas that is truthful and sad enough.  It doesn't need to be amplified!  But, listen up, if we did not have those dedicated weather personnel to give us information a lot more lives would be lost indeed!

My last statement reminded me of my grandparents talking about Hurricane Hazel. Think about that one!  No television, because I don know when they got theirs' but I do believe it was well after that hurricane.  Imagine to just being at home and with no warning at all, a hurricane with high winds and rains begins. I, personally can not imagine!  You can see how very blessed we all are to have the notification, early warnings that are available to us now..

To the electrical power company crews that are out non-stop repairing and restoring our power, we thank you!  Some have come in from many states away to help!  We thank you!

To the Department of Transportation, We thank you for keeping us safe on the highways.  So many are affected in weather like this.  I'm amazed as many are as to how much they are affected!  You prevent loss of life for sure.

To All First Responders, Police Officers, Traffic Officers, Firemen, Emergency Medical, etc:  You who are constantly on duty, but even more busy when a natural disaster happens we thank you!

We, here at Hibiscus House have been so very blessed.  No damage to amount to anything have we suffered.  We were without electricity for a short while and today our home phone/internet went out.  Other than that nothing. I do thank God for His blessings and don't want to ever take that for granted.

If you have any snacks, water or anything else that is a surplus to you, please donate to a homeless shelter near you.

Check the condition of roads/highways near you for safety.  There are links that can help you find out their condition.  Never, under any circumstances travel around barricades.  It truly could mean life or death.

A road in our county photo credit

I pray for those that are in such horrible circumstances at the moment. Some are still misplaced and in shelters.  Some have lost loved ones and may have lost everything they have.  Roads are developing sink holes, trees are down, water in creeks, lakes is rising, dams are being tested. Parts of our state, as well as the entire state of North Carolina are at a stand still.  Please join me in prayer for those, who are in need.

I hope these Bible Verses will comfort.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

I hope that all of this ends quickly
May God bless and keep you all safe