May 3, 2022

Tomato Seed Varieties

The plant on the left is one of the Heirloom Seed Tomatoes
It is the Brandywine or the Tie Dye Pink 

This post sat in drafts and I've just realized that I'd neglected to publish it before now.  I'll use this as a guide for next year. I started many seeds in my MiracleGro AeroGarden and was well pleased. I had almost 100% germination!  

As of this day May 4th I have many plants growing like crazy as shown in the picture above on the left.

These are the current seeds I have on hand. I'm trying to decide which to grow now and which for later. to choose and grow.  I'm excited and can't wait for the first taste of freshly grown tomatoes this year. 


Start seeds indoors 6 weeks prior to warm weather.  Transplant outdoors in full sun when seedlings display 4 to 6 leaves 

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

80 days Full sun sprouts in 7-14 days, ideal temps 75-95  1/8 inch deep space 24 inches apart.
not frost hardy. Start indoors 6 - 10 weeks before the last frost.

65-75 days Compact plants that produce 3 to 12-ounce fruits
Sprouts 7-14 days, start indoors 6-10 weeks before the last frost.

HOSS Seeds

Brandywine Pink Tomato 

 70 days 12-ounce fruits with deep lobes. 
The heirloom variety dates back to 1885. 

Start indoors and if cold weather continues put into 4" pots to give more room to grow Transplant after the last frost.

How to Grow Brandywine

Mary's  Heirloom Seeds

Red Cherry Tomato

75 days

Aunt Ruby Green Tomato

95-95 days produce 1 pound delicious fruits a family heirloom from Germany.

Mortgage Lifter Tomato  

Kentucky family heirloom since the 1930s three generations of James Halladay's family. Producing 1 - 2 pound pink beefsteak fruits. Exceptionally meaty and typically crack-free. Great old-fashioned tomato flavor.

Roma Tomato

70-80 days famous pear-shaped fruit. A mid-season crop that ripens between 2 to 3 weeks period for an easy harvest.

Cherokee Purple Tomato

80 days. An old Cherokee heirloom pre-1890. Deep pink-purple in color Beefsteak tomato

Pink Brandywine 

80-90 days potato leaf variety from 1885.  Large 1 1/2 pound pink fruit

Golden Jubilee

70-80 days A very popular orange variety. Fine, sweet, mild flavor.

Rutgers Tomato

75 days. Red round tomato fruits on a strong disease resistant vine. This tomato's average weight is 1 pound per fruit. A great slicer for sandwiches or salads. 

Developed by Rutgers Univ. for Campbells Soup Company in 1934

Yellow Pear Tomato

75-80 days Extremely old variety, bright yellow bite-sized fruit. Very sweet 1 1/2 inch fruit

I've had these seeds since 2016. I thought I'd try to germinate them anyway. Some of that time they were in the freezer that went kaput so we'll see if they do grow.

Ferry-Morse Red Cherry Large Fruited

70 - 75 days to harvest. Plant 1/4 inch deep 

Last but not least a favorite tomato of the family for a while now


Hoss  photo credit and where I purchased my seeds

I had excellent germination and I gave some away to family members!

I am excited and as of this date have 29 tomato plants in the ground growing quickly.  Celebrity is a variety grandpa and my mama loved so much and so I have 14 of them in the ground now.  I hope to make enough to can my own instead of buying by the bushel elsewhere.  We will see hope that happens.

Who's ready for a tomato sandwich?

I may have to add a slice or two of bacon to one of mine!

I sure am!






  1. All the best and great success to your tomato gardening this year! Thanks for sharing your notes. I snooped and benefited too:)
