Aug 31, 2022

Who Wants A Dirt Bath?

Chick's first out in the real-world outing!

I can tell you this new two-week-old chick wants no part of it!
It is so funny and cute to see how the mom is trying so hard to teach 
And the little one wants no part of it!
Sharing two very short videos of this dirt bath tutorial.

The baby is scared it seems

Timidly following mother hen out into the world

Look at this!
How precious looking up and around in wonderment!
On it's 'tippy toes'

It is an amazing world 
Mother hen is enjoying being out after being cooped up for over a month

The most fun and secure place to be!

One happy new family
The baby is growing like wildfire!
Two weeks old in these photos


by the mother hen 

One-minute video, 

You may turn the volume lower

We have roosters trying to outdo themselves by crowing!

The Chick is Having No Part of the Dirt Bath
Has no interest at all!
Maybe later

This is a 45-second video of the continuing dirt bath

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