Aug 31, 2014

Little Herb Garden That Could

 I have to admit that here at Hibiscus House herbs haven't thrived.  For years I've tried to grow them without any surviving.  This year I decided to put some in the porch rail boxes and line the back doorsteps with some.
Yes!  Finally I've had a kitchen herb garden within my reach for making all sorts of delicious dishes.  I didn't realize it would be a home to all of these ...

In this bed we have Lemongrass, Chives, Peppermint, Chocolate Mint, Parsley

But wait!  What is this? 

Yes it is a nest

Carolina Wren

Cute little birds and their nest right in the middle of my herbs.  I had to be careful for awhile so they could hatch.  I don't know it they hatched and flew away because the next thing I knew the nest was empty.

 Then this little critter moved in

Looking not as pretty as it could in the heat we have in this box Parsley, Oregano, Basil, & Sage

This little lizard loves this herb box...

But he is not alone in this love of these herbs.  Look what moved in next...

Yes I think they are Monarchs and they are ravenous.  They will have a blog post of their own...
UPDATE Douglas Hunt of Hometalk has given the info on these.. They are Black Swallowtail Caterpillars...Thanks Doug and if you haven't been to Hometalk do yourself a favor and do so.  There are experts in the home and garden areas that always answer my questions!

doorsteps have Rosemary, Cilantro, Oregano, & Lemon Balm

I can tell you that having this jungle as Chuck calls it on the back stoop has kept the mosquitoes at bay.  They hate the Lemon Balm and the Lemongrass!

I call this the Little Herb Garden That Could Be home to many little critters and keep mosquitoes away!


  1. Its so cute that a bird nested in your herb box!!

    1. They were cute building and tweeting...the caterpillars are eating everything in site...Hope to see butterflies but don't know it they will linger here long enough their food supply is going fast.

  2. Dolly,

    I love your herb box it looks so pretty. I bought some fresh Basil last week and it smells wonderful everytime I open the fridge.

    Thanks for sharing at Simple Saturdays.


    Cottage Making Mommy

    1. Hi Valerie,
      Thank you! I have a new found love for herbs. I have always loved them but now more that ever. I like it over at Simple Saturdays. It was good to hear from you!
