Jan 5, 2012

Liebster Blog Awards


Liebster Blog Awards

Hibiscus House was just awarded the Liebster Blog Award!

 Heidi at My Simple Country Living  gave this award to me at Hibiscus House, and I am so grateful! Thank you so much for passing this along.  It means so much to me, I am honored. 

Liebster is German for dearest, beloved or favorite. This award is bestowed on blogs with less than 200 followers but deserve more attention.

**I am not sure where it comes from this award going through the blogs, but I do know one thing.  It does no harm.  At the very least it is a compliment to the person that receives it. That is how I took it and that is how I give it.**

Now, I get to give the award to FIVE up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers

If you are selected for this little blog award, it's your responsibility to give it to 5 blogs and share the blog love! This part is VERY tough, narrowing down your list to just five blogs.
It is so very hard to choose I love everybody's blog.  

Here are the rules:
1- Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3- Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.

I am pleased to announce the following Blogs for the Liebster Blog Awards:
In no particular order

2.  Kathryn and her blog The Writer's Reverie

3.  Revi and her blog  Revisionary Life

4.  Rebecca and her blog  The Garden-Roof Coop

5.  Deborah and her blog Dandelion House HomeSchool


  1. Hi Dolly! Thanks so much for following my blog and passing along the award :)

  2. Congrats on your award! I hope your 1012 is off to a great start! Happy Saturday...hugs...Debbie

  3. Hi Dolly! Thanks for the Liebster Award. I've never gotten one before. I'm so glad you've been blessed by The Writer's Reverie! I only wish I could be more active - once school started again I don't have the time to post as much as I'd like and precious little time to keep up with blog reading and commenting. Here's hoping 2012 sees my schedule re-arranged and more time for taking from the inspirational world in Blogland becomes mine.

    You look very active here at Hibiscus House! Joy to you as you grow in grace and influence!

    Blessings - Kathy

  4. Thank you so much, Dolly! I am honored that you thought of my blog. :) Now for the hard part of picking 5 favorites!

  5. Dear Dolly! Forgive me for not getting by sooner to say thank you for this lovely award! You are s sweet! I happily accept and will select five bloggers who deserve this fun award!

  6. Lovely verse you have there on the sidebar :) Made me happy seeing that!
