Apr 20, 2012

Spotlight Story: Elaine Tolson


I have known of MaryJane, her lifestyle, her magazine, and her organic cotton merchandise in our local Belk Store. I recently joined the MJF Sisterhood and it is so interesting to hear of others that think like you do.
Some of the nicest people you will ever meet are a part of it, from all walks of life, from the City, Suburbs, rural, Country, Mountains, Beach.  People from everywhere but with one thing in common.  
Simple ideas of farming, animals, sewing, cooking, preserving...It is a way of life. Whether you wear your apron with heels or barefoot it is the same frame of mind. You may grow a plant on a balcony or fields full of crops.

Talking with Elaine was such a pleasure.  She told of her wonderful family property the chickens, and the milk goats.  This lady has done so much with her family property and with her talent.
It amazes me.

When she spoke of her goats it immediately made me think of my daughter Carly.  When she was a little girl she had such a love for goats.  She said to me one time, "Mama, I wish we were rich enough to have goats."  Carly this lady has goats!

I asked Elaine to write of her MaryJane Farms and her FarmGirl Sisterhood connection.  Join me won't you.

FarmGirl Sister #45
Elaine's story in her own words:

     It’s been 8-10 years since I was first introduced by a friend to the MaryJanesFarm magazine.  Oh, my…what that magazine did to me.  Those early publications were quite amazing.  They were over-sized, free of advertising, completely full of wonder and, if I remember correctly, 100% self-published and printed.  They hit the shelves about once or twice a year.  From that first magazine, I have been a fan.  MaryJane’s words, pictures and shared inspirations have always had a way of stirring ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ inside of me.  I used to long (and I do mean LONG) for a life in the country. 

     In 2007, a transition began to take place in our lives.  By the end of January of 2008 we were living in rural eastern Washington on land that had been in our family for four generations…to the place of my roots where we could begin to put down our own roots.  We soon got an ‘outside’ dog, then chickens, then milk goats.  We are now looking forward to our first baby goats, due July 4th.  We also enjoy a large garden and a small orchard.

     During 2009, I began to dream about the possibility of hosting art retreats at our place.  With cabins here, I felt that I could offer a perfectly wonderful, creative weekend get-a-way where gals would drive in, park their cars and be completely taken care of until it was time to return home.  Boho Art Retreats is now in its third year.  With each weekend retreat and day-workshop I am overwhelmed by how well they are received and completely blessed by the women who attend.

Sample of her beautiful work and link to her shop
Also click link here to order

     Another business that I have is creating soldered charm jewelry.  They generally take on a vintage flair that is full of fun and I also love working on the one-of-a-kind custom orders that come in.  I do a few shows here and there where I take a variety of vintage pieces, hand~made aprons, bags and soldered jewelry.  A few years ago I did an outside show, sponsored by MaryJanesFarm, on the Fourth of July in Oakville, Washington.  I was hoping to meet MaryJane that day.  Sure enough…during that ever-so-hot afternoon, I was taking a stroll and I saw her (in her bare feet), introduced myself and she gave me the warmest hug, as though I was a dear friend.  Later, she came to my booth, I gave her a charm that I had made for her and we chatted.  A few weeks later, she called me and asked if I would consider making charms for the gals in the MJF Sisterhood.  Each one would be custom-made, personalized with each ‘sisters’ member number.  I was delighted with the idea and we got started right away.  It has been a great pleasure to work with MaryJane, Meg and the staff at MJF.

I continue to be a fan!
Elaine Tolson  {sister # 45}

Elaine graciously gave away one of her wonderful charms in 2012.
Join MaryJane Farms Sisterhood and you can order one from her.  They are just adorable.

Isn't it adorable?

Elaine gave away a wonderful charm
Heather Hansen was our lucky winner!
SUNDAY 4/22/2012

Thank you so much for sharing your story, and your talent with us.
Just think cabins, a retreat sound great to me.  I love what you have done with your place!
You are one talented lady also, love the charms.


  1. Thank you Steve for the invitation and I just signed up to follow.

  2. Thank you so much, Dolly for your sweet words and this thoughtful feature.

    1. Thank you Elaine for the wonderful story and for the Charm Giveaway!

  3. Hi Dolly. I LOVE Elaine's charms. They're so elegant and feminine. I'd love to win. I follow all three of your awesome blogs Dolly. Thank you for featuring Elaine in today's spotlight.

    1. Hello my sweet sister Heidi, and thank you for the great compliments. I am so glad you came by.

  4. I am now following Elaine on FB too. I can't pick a favorite charm. They're all vintage looking and I love vintage...

  5. Oh, I love Elaine Tolson's work and I don't even remember how I first discovered her, but she's a real, true delight :) :)

    Wow, does she make the MJF necklaces? I'm Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #2176...I haven't purchased a necklace yet, but I will.

    I think this charm she's giving away is just beautiful and vintage chic :) :) I follow Hibiscus house via email updates to my inbox and via Google Friend Connect :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :) :)

  6. I follow Hibiscus House on Facebook :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  7. I follow Elaine Tolson's life page on Facebook :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  8. I went to Elaine's website. I really love the "Country Fair" necklace charm the best. I have a real love for old, vintage cars and trucks and this is just cute :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  9. My dear Dolly, Thank you for pulling me out of the yard to come over to your place and read about Elaine. Each person you feature touches some part of me and Elaine especially so... I know all of us who discovered MaryJanesFarm have felt those same trans-formative feelings and our lives have ( and never will be ) the same again. I was just thinking that as I was outside today helping our son and my hubby put together my new greenhouse for the flower farm. I wonder, would I ever have had the guts and the inspiration to start such a thing had I not found MaryJane?
    What a blessing to have instant sisters of the heart and such a clever and talented bunch to boot!
    I love ya girl!
    I'd follow you anywhere, you know that! :)
    I'm off to meet Elaine! Elaine if you are reading today...God Bless you sister! I adore your necklaces... always have... was just thinking I wanted to order one soon too! Maybe I'll win???!!!
    Much love,
    Deb MJF Beachfarmgirl blogger and sister # 1199!

    1. Thank you for those words, Deb - you're a sweetie...I can just tell!

    2. Deb you certainly have touched my heart, you are about to make me cry. Thank you and love ya..

  10. Dolly,
    I'm a follower and would love to be entered in the giveaway for this adorable charm!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

    1. Hi Angie, you talented woman, it is so good to see you! Thanks for stopping by and entering.

  11. Hi Dolly,
    I just wanted to tell you that I am sister #1127. Who knew we were related? I enjoyed this post, Elaine sounds like a wonderful gal, as do all of the sisters. I have chickens and gardens and love to bake, sew, quilt, paint, make jam, crochet, wear aprons, and hang my clothes on the line! I am and always have definitely been a farmgirl at heart. Now I have my own little piece of the world, a little under 2 acres and lovin' it! I'm really happy to be a part of MaryJane's Farm Sisterhood.

    1. Julie, who knew? I am so glad!!! It sounds like you are having the time of your life and I love it! You are so sweet and love your cute cute blog...now we have even more in common...so happy you came by sister dear!

  12. Hi Dolly I really enjoyed reading about Elaine. Her charms are so cute. I wanted to thank you for your kind comments.They made me smile . Your truly have a kind heart.

    1. Oh Michelle, you are so sweet. That makes me happy. Thank you for stopping by and I agree her charms are cute ..I know you are not well so a special thank you for coming out to enter. You are pretty special you know...
      your sister..

  13. Hi Dolly,

    MaryJane's Farm Sisterhood is a fabulous group of, generally, like-minded women. It's been a long while since I've visited MJF forums because Dave became ill then passed away and grief is a jealous journey. I've been a farmgirl all my life; it's how I was raised and don't want to change because there's nothing else better!
    I'm now a follower of Hibiscus House and invite you to follow Thistle Cove Farm. We're at different stages of life but that's what makes it all interesting.
    God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.
    Sandra @ Thistle Cove Farm

    1. Welcome to Hibiscus House Sandra. I am so sorry that you lost your Dave. Take one step at a time and God will get you through it. I now follow you at Thistle Cove Farm and your shop, so we will keep in touch.

  14. Hi Dolly! This was the sweetest story wasn't it? I love MJB. I'd love to book a stay in one of her wall tents sometime. So nice you came by!
