Apr 28, 2013

Once I Saw a Little Bird

The other morning I was sitting, drinking my coffee and looking out the kitchen window.  
I saw This beautiful bluebird couple. 
They are so tame this year. They perch at the Hummingbird Feeders to visit, rest and look inside to see what we are doing.
These pictures are taken through the screened windows but I wanted to share them anyway.  The Eastern Bluebirds are such beautiful birds.

The female preening herself

What beautiful creatures they are. Thank you God for such beauty all around us.
Have a great week everybody!

This reminded me of a nursery rhyme that my girls' grandmother Genolia used to recite to them.

Once I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop
I said, "Little bird won't you stop, stop, stop."
I was going to the window to say, "How do you do".
When he shook his little tail and away he flew!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Sandra,
      I agree with you. Sometimes we have to stop and think about it though, when life throws us a had situation we forget that. It is such a joy to just slow down take a breath and look all around us. I know you are surrounded by beauty in the mountains where you live. So glad you came to visit today, please come back again sweet friend.

  2. I love having the birds visit. We have a cardinal couple that stop by our porch feeders every morning and every evening.

    1. Hi Kara,
      I love cardinals they are just beautiful. I know you talented lady have plenty of pictures of them. It is such a pleasure to watch them I know. So glad you visited sweet talented friend.

  3. It's funny that they are our state bird but we don't see that many of them, they are pretty though! My father in law had a bluebird house for a few years but they ended up moving on. The last time I saw the house there was a frog living it it!

    1. Hi Kathy,
      I didn't know that was your state bird, that's cool. You would think you'd see more of them but then again as I was telling another I tried for years to get some in my older home and Mama moved in within a month she had them. Laughing at frogs in yours my grandson Phillip would laugh "Mimi" is scared of frogs..or so he thinks lol. All I could ever get in mine were spiders and webs...Kathy I wish we lived closer it would be such fun to visit.

  4. How appropriate is that nursery rhyme! Isn't it wonderful that God created all these creatures around us to give us simple joy in living! I enjoyed it too, even just thru your blog post:)

    1. Hi Annie,
      I'm so glad you came by. Oh, that rhyme brings so many memories of my girls. Yes it is so very wonderful that God has created all of this beauty that surrounds us. Simple joy you said it best. That is what it is all about. Come again Annie anytime.

  5. Gorgeous! Through the screen or not, these are beautiful birds and I'm so glad you shared them with us. Apparently we have bluebirds in our area, but I've not seen them in the 2 years we've lived here. One day, one day.

    1. Hey Heather! I hope you will see them one day. Do you have any nest boxes up out in the open? The love the ones made especially for them on a post out in the open away from other bird feeders..well my Mama had to tell me that and for years at my older home I tried to lure them in. She moved in my older home for a short while and heck she had them within a month...?...go figure. I try for years, her for a month...So glad you stopped by as always sweet friend.

  6. Dolly those are great shots!!! Migrating season has begun here and I am seeing so many different birds I had NEVER EVER imagined I would see. I LOVE it so much.. I will show you in my next post.

    Have a blessed day...

    1. Marissa, your yard looks just beautiful and I know you must be enjoying the different birds. I love all of the pretty different colors on some that come through here but it isn't that often that I see them. Do you see a lot of them where you live? I can't wait to see your next post. As always it is such a delight to have you visit.

  7. Dolly you took some beautiful pictures. I finally started seeing and hearing birds this weekend. As I write this I am hearing a woodpecker. Hopefully that one stays away from my house.

    1. Oh Michelle, I wish that the woodpeckers would come a little closer to mine. I see them on the back tree line, well I hear them but don't see them very often. I see where you have been one very busy lady...I need to quit bird watching and get something done. You put me to shame...busy girl. Glad you took the time to come by.

  8. Looks like you have a lot of pretty birds to watch outside your window. I am sure they are entertaining and fun to photograph.

    Thank You for stopping in at The Ranch Wife Chronicles.

    1. Hi Robyn,
      We have been so blessed with wildlife out here. When we first moved here I had a bobcat that thought he was a house cat. Coyotes would play on our front porch..then we decided that we wanted chickens. The racoons, opossums, foxes, coyotes and bobcats had to back up a little. Sad but we can't have all of our babies killed for their suppers. I do miss that though. Oh Also when we moved in we would look out of our windows and see a dingo it was something. So glad you stopped by and I love your Ranch Wife Chronicles.
