May 28, 2014

Granddaddy Loved Yellow Roses.

Every time I see a yellow rose I think of my sweet Granddaddy and how he loved them so.  I am going to call this yellow rose "Goodson".  He lived across the road from me and he would sit on his front porch and look at the rose.  He would always say to me "Dolly that is the prettiest yellow rose you've got over there."  "It, is the prettiest I've ever seen."  He would say.

That was quite a few years, houses and yellow roses ago.

I don't remember what type rose this is I think it is a hybrid tea. The blooms have a very fragile quality and are beautiful.  I was glad these photos turned out so pretty.  I see a little black spot but will leave it alone, they go away and the plant gets rid of it on it's own.  I just don't spray the roses anymore and they do better that way.

I learned to do that after reading the book Everyday Roses by Paul Zimmerman.  That is a very good resource for roses and I recommend the book to you.

I do fertilize.   I use Annie Haven's Authentic Haven Brand Alfalfa Tea.  It works really well.  This product I recommend to you also!

Look at the huge delicate petals!  Amazing, some years more than others.  Roses bring such joy to me!  Spring is my favorite season you know!

Do you grow roses?  If not, why don't you give it a try.  You'd be amazed at the beauty and they are more carefree than you think.  It does seem to me at least, that if you leave them alone, once they are established they will pretty much take care of themselves.

Here is a yellow rose for you grandpa.

 It is because of him that I took another look at them and decided they are beautiful!
Thanks Grandpa!


  1. Beautiful post Dolly.
    what special memories you have.
    I too love yellow roses
    I also used yellow roses for my wedding bouquet so it also holds a special memory for me.

    1. Oh Marissa,
      What sweet memories you just shared with us. I'll bet your bouquet was so beautiful!
