May 17, 2014

Lettuce Rail Garden and Critters

 Butterhead Lettuce
Welcome!  Today I'd like to share the pretty lettuce that is growing in rail gardens right outside the back door.  This provides enough sun and shade for the fresh Butterhead Lettuce.  Next year I want Buttercrunch.  That is the variety I love the best.  This one is a close second.

 Isn't it beautiful? 

I have been walking with a our group on Facebook called You Challenge which has been very motivating and fun.  While on one of these little walks I found several creatures.  One was a flattened snake in my driveway.  I did not like that one but carried it back in my hands to the house. (ugh)  The other well I"ll show you pictures of him in this post.

 Red Butterhead Lettuce, Green Butterhead Lettuce and a few herbs
This is the planter on the south side of the porch.   It is a little more shaded though and the lettuces are really behind the tray on the north side.  That will work out fine though because we have almost depleted and given away the larger lettuce.  

Critter warning!
This is what I found in my back yard.  What is it doing up this far from water?
A crayfish, (crawfish, crawdad,freshwater lobster or mudbug) 

I knocked his tail off didn't mean too

A closer view

Thinking to myself, "Well this week I have picked up a snake (granted he was dead) with my bare hands so now I will pick up this little dead creature."  I can't for the life of me figure out why he is so far from water.  Oh well we've had an otter playing in the side yard.  Love it!

So what to do with this beautiful thing?  I will of course take him up to the house.  He had his photo shoot too.

Alright I'll have to add the snake that I bravely carried up to the house with my bare hands.
Ok, so he was squashed flat but he was heavy and I touched him..

Don't let him spoil your appetite for a great salad!

In the kitchen we have two quick easy to make
Ranch Dressing and Thousand Island Dressing recipes! 
There is no excuse have a great crisp salad and homemade dressing..
Take a walk today, Walk the extra length and you'll feel better.
I hope you enjoyed the lettuce & critter tour. 
I think it deserves as many pictures as our Hibiscus House Roses. 
Which I will be highlighting soon. 


  1. Dolly,
    What a beautiful butter head lettuce!
    It's absolutely gorgeous and what a great idea growing it on a rail planter.
    It think that calls for a great salad minus the critter that was odd its not everyday you find something like that
    In your back yard...
    Xo marissa

    1. Hi Marissa! Thank you! I love to be able to open the door and make a salad..yes without the critter! xoxo

  2. Your lettuce looks so good. I especially like the photo of the crawdad coming out of the center of the lettuce, nice touch! LOL. One of my daughter's friends lived near a creek, but not close enough to see it. The crawdads had mounds all over their lawn near the road, tunneling from the creek over to their place. Maybe yours did too?

    1. Hey Kathy! Thank'll have to look for those mounds. How do they look? There is a swamp behind us but it is a good ways back there. It will be funny if we start having crawdads coming in by the droves..

  3. Your lettuce is amazing! But the critter and the snake kind of scares me :))

    1. Hi Cristina, I' m sorry I was afraid of that, I put on critter alert. Truthfully I have only put a snake on once before but it was alive and in my chicken coop now that was scary. Thanks for the compliment on the lettuce it has been a wonderful season for lettuce.
