Nov 4, 2014


What a wonderful thing cotton is.  It can be used in so many ways.  One of my favorite ways is in cotton fabric.  The fabric that lasts years and years and years.  Quilts and items made from this fabric are some of the best.  I love the look and feel of cotton.  It is cotton pickin time here in South Carolina. 

Other posts about Cotton. I guess I do love cotton.
Walking Through the Cotton Field

Fall Nature Scenes From Hibiscus House

Cotton at Hibiscus House

I thought I would share a film from Georgia Bonesteel titled From the Field to Fabric....


  1. Oh- I wish I were in the land of cotton- Old times there are not forgotten- look away-look away- look away- Dixie Land. That old song rolled into my mind the minute I saw the header of your post. xo Diana

    1. Now you have it in my head Diana! Love it! You are so much fun!

  2. It was so funny, many years ago I was helping my daughter with her school work and something came up about where we get wool. She got the question wrong so I asked my husband to tell her. He absent mindedly said, from cotton! I had to laugh. "What, do you think?" I said. Each boll says Baaaaah when you pick it! It's been a joke ever since. I had to stop at the Arkansas Welcome Center with them and demonstrate what cotton plants were. They had a display patch growing out front.

    1. Kathy you have me laughing this morning for sure! That is just too cute! I love it!

  3. I drive by some wild grown cotton, and wondered how easy it was to grow it.

    1. Hey Kristina,
      I couldn't tell you because I personally have never planted it. I don't see much that they do to it so it must be pretty easy.
