Aug 24, 2015

Little Fruit Harvest

 "Blue Lake Bunch Grapes"
These are the best little cluster grapes.
Today I share the fruits that we wait on yearly.
I look at the bare trees, bushes and vines &
think with excitement of the fruits they will bear in season.

Green ones were falling off of the vines too.
 Well some I pulled some by mistake!

They taste really good!

 Keiffer Semi-Dwarf Pears

Well another limb bites the dust.
It is full of beautiful not quite ripe pears.
High Winds took a toll on this loaded branch
I love this variety and they love it here too!

 I took the limb in hoping to salvage the unripe pears.
I guess I should have thinned the fruit.
I would like to Espalier the fruit trees.
Espalier Step by Step Here

These bloomed in May and I never posted.
Thought these needed to be shared today.

Do you do that take tons of pictures that never make it to your website?
I hope you enjoyed this simple Monday post.

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