Jun 3, 2016

Homemade Beeswax Deodorant

I'm a little slow to get on the 'Make Your Own Deodorant' bandwagon.  I have decided to give it a try. Join me won't you.

Allergic and sensitive skin that is me.  A couple of years ago I just couldn't take the irritation, bumps, itching and burning from traditional deodorants.  I knew there had to be something out there that was better and I had to find it.

For over a year now I've been using alcohol and witch hazel pads, mostly the alcohol pads.  I'm here to tell you it works!  It really does!  A Facebook friend told me of this and I am grateful.

We went on a trip and I bought one of those travel size deodorants in a hurry and brought it home. It sat on my sink cabinet and when in a hurry I grab it. No more, I'll tell you no more!  I threw that sucker away!  No more burning and pure aggravation again! I now work on making my own deodorant for use to see how I will like it.

There are tons and tons of recipes on the internet so I just started reading and viewing you tubes for information out there.

Today I share one that hopefully will work for me.  This one with beeswax and next I will make one without the beeswax and shea butter.  I'll have to let you know how they work later.

This one I've had on one underarm overnight and so far so good!  That is a good thing to be sure because unless it comes later the allergic reactions, it is a go!

The recipe made two so I spoke with someone and she said to me she would make a good candidate for trial of this product.  I will update later as to that person's results as well as how I'm continuing to do with it.

I've read where in certain high temperatures the coconut oil can melt down and become oily so I'll watch for that here in our temps.  Also I've read where the homemade deodorants could cause staining on your clothing.  They suggest that you put it on and wait a few minutes before putting on your clothing.  I'll keep you updated as to these things as well.

Tresomega Nutrition Organic Coconut Oil Refined here
Beeswax Organic Pastille, Yellow 100% Pure here
Cleopatra's 100% Pure Raw African Shea Butter Pure & Unrefined here
Bob's Red Mill All Natural Baking Soda here
Bob's Red Mill Arrowroot Starch Flour here

Virgo Aromatherapy& Massage Kit Holistic Healing with Pure 100% Therapeutic Grade here

Dmtse Deodorant Containers New Empty Pack of 5 here

I didn't quite get the second one full
I had enough to fill though

Homemade Beeswax Deodorant
Sensitive Skin

What You Will Need:

1/3 cup organic coconut oil
3 Tbs. beeswax pellets
2 Tbs. shea butter
3 Tbs. baking soda
1/3 cup arrowroot powder
6 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
12 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Double Boiler
Deodorant Containers (make sure they are rolled down to the bottom)


  • Measure out all dry ingredients place into bowl until needed
  • Put water into double boiler  and heat water
  • Add coconut oil, beeswax pellets and shea butter into top pot and place onto double boiler
  • Stirring very frequently and watching to melt all ingredients
  • Remove from heat
  • Quickly and carefully whisk the dry ingredients into the melted ingredients until smooth
  • Add essential oils whisk mixing well
  • Carefully pour into two deodorant containers until filled
  • Set aside to cool and harden, it will harden quickly.
Makes two deodorants
It doesn't take too long to set up, just a little wait for cooling and then it is ready to go.

Let this deodorant sit for two weeks to 'cure'. I call it that because it will become harder 
It won't feel as if if is running down even though it doesn't do that.
Keep in mind that this isn't an antiperspirant it is a deodorant
I love the fact that it doesn't have the harmful ingredients and being allergic myself it works very well.
Note* On extremely hot days like we have here in SC I will still use a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol as well.  That makes it work like an antiperspirant.

You can adjust the essential oils to the scents you like of course.  
If you aren't highly allergic as me then you can add much more.  
Citrus oils tend to not do well if you spend a lot of time in the sun, I'm told.  
I love citrus so will have to make some for me.
It takes so little to make these that these products below can be used many, many times.
They are also standard ingredients for making many other health and beauty products.
The products are non GMO, no aluminum, simple natural ingredients

List of products I used and links to purchase below:

Products I used and links to buy them if you wish:
Dmtse Deodorant Containers New Empty Pack of 5 here
Tresomega Nutrition Organic Coconut Oil Refined here
Beeswax Organic Pastille, Yellow 100% Pure here
Cleopatra's 100% Pure Raw African Shea Butter Pure & Unrefined here
Bob's Red Mill All Natural Baking Soda here
Bob's Red Mill Arrowroot Starch Flour here
Virgo Aromatherapy& Massage Kit Holistic Healing with Pure 100% Therapeutic Grade here

** Join me at Simple Saturday's Blog Link Party**


  1. What about using alcohol and essential oils in a roller bottle? Seems like it would work and be a lot easier:)

    1. Hi,
      I don't see why not! The two can be mixed and applied to skin. Let us know how you like that mixture. I don't know how messy it would be to apply.
