Feb 3, 2017

Recent Sights Around Hibiscus House

Work in progress

Today I'll share a variety of pictures taken with the recent painting of the home.  These guys were very good sports allowing me to take many pictures. Join me as I share a day in the life of painters and homeowner.

Wendell and Earl


Wendell played football!

Wendell in his Dallas cap
He and Chuck had their rounds about their teams (light heartedly of course)
Chuck and his Steelers, Wendell and his Cowboys
Both of them looking at me like I've gone crazy with my new love of Tom Brady!

Lavaris left and Kendrick right

Earl standing bottom

Earl Cunningham, Baseball Player now Painter

These guys have so much fun working together

Lavaris, Yazmeen, & Kendrick

Railings look great

I love the view even in the winter months

View from the porch with very old chairs from Ebenezer School of years gone by

Earl surprised me by painting one of the rockers
I love it!
Looks great!
Now I need to get to work painting the other two!

We're almost finished with the painting inside and out. I'm in the process of putting some things back where they were and weeding through other things.  I'm also thinking of a few new things I'd like to add.

The ideas are bouncing in and out of my brain.  I have high hopes.  Nothing complicated, simple ideas for pretty yet functional.

I'll update later with a few pieces that I've added.

Have a great weekend
I'll be back shortly with more picture posts.

Henry Branham
Construction Manager
(803) 460-6001

Earl Cunningham Painters


  1. Great pictures, Dolly. Your setting is just lovely. I can see why you love it there. Just curious- how far are you from town?
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

    1. Thank you Diana! We are about 4 1/2 miles from a little town in one direction 5 miles from a little ghost of a town and around 13 miles from a larger city and in another direction 20 miles or so. The smaller towns don't have a lot small grocery store, dollar stores etc. I've learned that it is going to take 30 minutes or so to go where I need to go. I hope you're having a great weekend! xo Dolly

  2. It has been way to long since I have popped in for a visit but I have finally jumped back into blogland and am so happy to see how nice and clean and fresh your house looks! I know you can't wait to get some pretty blooms on your gorgeous front porch!

    1. Hi Michelle thank you and I'm so glad you did stop by! It is so good to hear from you! You're right I can't wait to have the blooms on the porch!

  3. Looks great! You are going to be all ready by Spring!

    1. Hey Ginger Dawn! Thank you! I am so excited and ready for Spring! Inside house has lots out of place still but I'm working on it little by little...Glad you stopped by today!

  4. It looks great, so happy for the finish. Now your hard part comes, although enjoyable.

    1. Hey sweet friend! Thank you! You are so right. I've been tackling the put back and purging as I go but doing it at a slow pace. I think that might be the way to go so I don't burn out and get discouraged. Good to hear from you!

  5. house looks great. good luck with the rest of your work. what team did earl play with?

    1. Thank you and Earl played with the Chicago Cubs.
