Sep 6, 2019

Becoming Butterflies

This has been an interesting Summer, to be sure!  Our herb gardens didn't stand a chance!  We were invaded by these creatures (I'm kidding, well sort of)!

I love Butterflies actually and have planted a garden for them out back.  They surprised me this year with the sheer numbers that came out to eat and grow!

We soon gave it up for these beauties, and watched with excitement the stages they went through becoming butterflies!

(back porch)

The caterpillars are quite pretty
But before you realize it they will have eaten your entire herb garden
In fact, they covered the gardens  on both porches!

(front porch)

Enjoying my celery
The celery has since come back, so I may get to enjoy it myself!

(front porch)

Two Chrysalis at different stages
You can tell the one on the right is ahead of the newer green on the left

(front porch)

This butterfly just emerged from the brown chrysalis on the right

(front porch)

Making it's way back into the herb garden

(front porch)

Butterfly immediately after emerging from the Chrysalis.
In no time at all it was off of the porch railing and back up into the herb garden
This one has such vivid colors

(back porch)

Please excuse all of the dirty planters, porch railings, and dying plants
It was nearly impossible to water the plants, and completely impossible to clean the porches,
Until they were all complete in the different stages!

The caterpillars can devour certain herbs in no time at all
You can see the huge mess they leave behind as well
The porch railing was full of caterpillar poop or as it is called Frass.
Be aware of their mess and activities should you want to donate your herb gardens to them:

(back doorway)

I think a Black Swallowtail emerging from the Chrysalis
The first of many to hatch this year!
Beautiful colors!

{Ignore the dirty porch, we didn't want to wet the thing and kill it while it was in the Chrysalis)

We had many in the Caterpillar stage and the boys wanted to take one home
We put it into a Jake & Amos Pickle jar along with some celery from the herb gardens
Sent it home with them to watch!
Their mom was the busy one trying to keep it fed, & it's jar clean!

Top left-Chrysalis stage, Top right- Just emerged and drying off stage
Bottom left-making it's way to top of jar dry, Bottom right-outside getting ready to fly away!
You'll notice in one of the videos below Carly gave it a push with celery and off it flew!

They watched from Caterpillar---Chrysalis--Emerging--to--Flying Away!

That was a fun experience!

They are such beautiful creatures and we do enjoy them here.  The herb gardens are flourishing now so if anything all they did was delay the harvest.  I kinda miss them too as they've gone on off.  For a week we saw several butterflies fluttering around on the porches almost as if they were greeting us.  I'd like to think they were still close by!

The sun is shining here today and it is such a wonderful sight to see.  We've just gone through passing of Hurricane Dorian in our area.  I thank God for blessing us with no damage. We are in prayer for those that were affected by this powerful storm. 

Storms like this can take a lot out of you, moving most anything that can take flight and cause damage, filling the house with pure junk food, that you would never normally buy, holding your breath waiting for it to pass...What's worse is for those in the direct line having to leave their homes, Praying for all.


  1. What memories you've evoked! Around my 8th or 9th year, my father decided our tiny downstairs closet would make a fine hostel for a caterpillar - serving as an important life lesson for his only daughter. I remember anxiously checking on it for a few days. Maybe more. Unfortunately, I don't think anything became of it. This is a gorgeous specimen. I enjoyed the celery prompt. :)

    1. Hi Mevely,
      I can imagine the trips to the closet, you made. I'm sorry you didn't get to see the end results.
      Truthfully we missed many here too. One morning Chuck was sitting on the porch reading and one came out. We were all wondering how he missed that one...must have been some good reading he was doing. It was a good adventure.
      Carly said she was tired of waiting on that one to fly away, she and the boys so she gave it a little celery lift! LOL..funny girl
      Thanks for sharing that story with us!

  2. What a fun post & record of the process! We took a few monarch caterpillars to school, so much fun. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Diana,
      Oh the Monarch now that would be special. Hope to see one here one day. Good to hear from you!

  3. Isn't it amazing that something that looks like a green 'worm' can produce such a beautiful butterfly?! One of the guys in our office raised a bunch of butterflies this year so his kids could watch the progress. Amazing. I am so glad you did this and recorded it and filmed it. xo Diana

    1. It sure is amazing!  For years I was so crazy and thought dang it these worms are eating my harvest would pull them off not kill them but pull them off.  At that time there weren't that many but lately tons of them come.  I know your office buddy's kids enjoyed that too!  It was fun, guess I won't be pulling them off ever again... xoxo Dolly
