Hydrangeas 2020
The Hydrangeas are as usual a beautiful sight with their many-colored blooms. The roses well that is another story, the daylilies are beautiful. My new garden this year in buckets and pots is coming along. The pears are still loaded on that one tree. The grapevines are coming along.
Our grand-pets are thriving and that is good. The little chicks are thriving and growing. They are a little over a week old now. They've learned how to come up and down on the ramp from the two-story coop! Whew, that is a blessing. I was bitten hundreds of times by mosquitoes one night trying to train them. Silly me like the mother hen didn't have that in hand. They are so adorable!
I've been receiving fresh produce from a group of farmers called Misfits Market
I'll do a review post on that one later
Hummingbirds have been around but very scarce
Stink bug damage
Had to treat some for Blossom End Rot as well
May 2020
One vine

My little sidekick always by my side while gardening
Little King Trashmouth always looking in
You can see some of the water standing from the rain we've had here
Mother hen and chicks 5 days old
Notice the M is for
M is for My Man
She and my sister Gwen laughed so hard and couldn't wait for me to open this present.
I just haven't been able to remove the picture, heck I may never and may just leave it as it is.
I have to find just the right spot to store my old photos and haven't made up my mind as to how I want to do this. How do you store yours?
I'll be back soon with this year's Hydrangeas they are beautiful!
Y'all take care!
Summer has arrived can you believe it? I find it hard but then again this has been one year for the record books and still is!
The Hydrangeas are as usual a beautiful sight with their many-colored blooms. The roses well that is another story, the daylilies are beautiful. My new garden this year in buckets and pots is coming along. The pears are still loaded on that one tree. The grapevines are coming along.
Our grand-pets are thriving and that is good. The little chicks are thriving and growing. They are a little over a week old now. They've learned how to come up and down on the ramp from the two-story coop! Whew, that is a blessing. I was bitten hundreds of times by mosquitoes one night trying to train them. Silly me like the mother hen didn't have that in hand. They are so adorable!
I'll do a review post on that one later
Hummingbirds have been around but very scarce
Stink bug damage
Had to treat some for Blossom End Rot as well
May 2020
They didn't fare well this year. It was a strange year for them they bloomed a month later than usual and full bloom and with so much rain they yellowed and were gone in record time.
One vine

This tree is still loaded with pears
Little King Trashmouth always looking in
You can see some of the water standing from the rain we've had here
Mother hen and chicks 5 days old
I've been cleaning out and going through about 40 years worth of pictures and picture frames. I confess at the moment I am at a standstill. I will get back to it later but wanted to share this picture and frame.
My Mama found this picture frame for me for my birthday one year. She has been gone for years now so this is just so funny and sentimental. She knew I liked Willie Nelson so she cut this picture out of a magazine and placed it into the new frame. Then she added an adorable note.
My Mama found this picture frame for me for my birthday one year. She has been gone for years now so this is just so funny and sentimental. She knew I liked Willie Nelson so she cut this picture out of a magazine and placed it into the new frame. Then she added an adorable note.
M is for My Man
She and my sister Gwen laughed so hard and couldn't wait for me to open this present.
I just haven't been able to remove the picture, heck I may never and may just leave it as it is.
I have to find just the right spot to store my old photos and haven't made up my mind as to how I want to do this. How do you store yours?
I'll be back soon with this year's Hydrangeas they are beautiful!
Y'all take care!
Hydrangeas are absolutely flourishing this year everywhere. I think they are one of the prettiest flowers. My Gladiolas did good but are now dying out. My day lillies are really tall. Mine are orange with triple petals. Here is the link to a post I did a while back.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Hi Lisa, They really are must be the rain we've had so much of it! I'll bet your Gladiolas were gorgeous. That is one flower I love yet don't have any here. I need to remedy that! Oh I love the day lilies too! Carly and I bought tons of them to plant one year from a local lady. They were so huge and beautiful. Over the years instead of multiplying they've somewhat disappeared. I have a few orange ones too. Oh my goodness I went to the link yours are so pretty!
DeleteI hope you have a wonderful weekend!