Aug 29, 2020

The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgey, MD

A while back I received a book for review.  I'll admit I've had it on a table and picked it up reading several times.  The other day one of my grandsons read through it. I asked for his opinion as well. I call him 'Brainiac' for a reason.  The boy is constantly in thought. We had a good afternoon talking about this book.

I think it is a great handbook to have on hand like those medical guides or handbooks we've had in the home for years. 

Today's Product Review:
We live in such a connected world that the way of life just a few short years ago can sometimes be forgotten. I mean before the internet and search engines we had books. I personally like the written word in book form still. I, of course, use the quick reference to topics online, but also want book and paper available as well.

Recently life has changed so dramatically in many ways. When you have power outages and no way to go online or do much else it makes you think about what if we really lived Off-Grid?

William Forgey, MD Author with Jack

This particular handbook would be especially helpful when taken traveling, camping, or vacationing.  Some trips could be in areas without any connection to the rest of the world. It could very well be the one item you should pack when you travel anywhere.


THE BASIS OF ADEQUATE PREPPING IS BEING PREPARED FOR BOTH COMMON AND  DIRE EVENTS.that may occur under the worst of all possible circumstances, including the breakdown in normal emergency support services (such as calling 911), and inability to obtain additional supplies, and the probability that you will not be able to rely on anyone but yourself or the members of your immediate group. Mr. Forgey gives great instructions for what to pack.

Prepping requires forethought with regard to food, water supplies, power, and protection credit 

The book covers everything imaginable that could happen at any given time.

What the 'Brainiac'  my grandson got from skimming through handbook:

Great if off the grid without the internet
Covers most any injury or sickness 
How to treat suture and even staple wounds.
Includes ways to purify water, how to get rid of human waste, includes exposure to radiation units measurement There is a chapter on Radiation Exposure.
How to treat your gums and teeth
How to remove fish hooks
How to treat stings, Anaphylactic Shock, snake bites, how to use an EpiPen

My Thoughts:
How to provide medical care when you can't rely on anyone but yourself!

How to prepare for off the grid off grid versus no grid
We like to stock up for many reasons in the home. I for one don't want to be without certain items for the home to function.  We live in the country and it takes a little thought to just run to the store for anything. That just doesn't happen. 

This book tells you of supplies you will need to have on hand for medical emergencies out on your own.

This book helps you to prevent, identify, manage medical conditions with little medical training. (I for one have no medical training so this book may help me, I don't know yet).
It helps you to know when to handle if you must handle something on your own also when to get professionals if needed, and what you can do if there are no professionals around.

The Guide has excellent tables and references throughout the book and at the end an index for quick location.

Chest pains, Accidents, and Emergency Advice, Blunt Trauma to the eye, even a broken nose, and what to do. Ears, Dental, Allergic Reactions, (something I have problems with almost constantly). Basically, anything you can think of.  Bites, Stings, Anaphylactic Shock. Skin injuries, burns, cuts, how to stop bleeding. Burns, bones: fractures, breaks, dislocations.

Removing fish hooks reminds me of one that got stuck in my upper arm. My brother and I were taking our daddy to the hospital and they had been fishing in the auto. I kept quiet until we reached the hospital and I had to tell my brother to remove it. Man, that thing hurt until he could get it out. He knew how to remove it I did not so this guide would have helped me, were I to have been alone, remove the hook.

My Notes: Example: Black Widow Spider Bites: 
Cramping and Muscle Spasms, Nausea, Abdomen becomes boardlike, Vomiting, Swelling, Weakness, Restlessness, Pain on Breathing. can come with this. An ice cube directly to bite location. If off-grid a healthy person will usually survive with pain abating in several hours other symptoms disappearing in several days.  Doctors have medications to handle spasms off-grid there is no medication that can be taken for this, only some type of pain reliever can be given when out camping or off-grid.

Brown Recluse Spider Bites are also included in the book.

Example Abdominal Pain
This section explains where how symptoms and the underlying reasons for the pain or what they could be there is a chart with the illness and signs/symptoms with each. A great thing to have on hand.

I do believe this guide covers every body part and what could possibly go wrong with each.

Plant or Food Poisoning

Ciguatera Poisoning have you ever heard of that?  I have never, but it is a toxin certain fish have in certain areas. If traveling in certain areas you should rely on the locals for information on this. It happens most often in areas of Florida, the West Indies, and the Pacific.

Shellfish Poisoning is one that can become particularly life-threatening.

Dehydrated? He has fluid cocktails you can make from simple things to remedy the situation.

Dr. Forgey gives a guide to finding the cleanest water for drinking and how to purify if not.

Petroleum Poisoning now that one touched home with me. Once we were at the beach and my mama saw what she thought was a glass of water on the porch.  She picked it up and drank it down. Daddy screamed at her to stop that she was drinking Kerosene! Oh my gosh, it is a wonder she lived through that one and the fact that she drank a huge glass of it a miracle!

Bioterrorism and Infectious Diseases Chapter 9
Coronavirus isn't included as the book was written before the existence.

It still contains some of the information we've had given to us for months. Information such as herd immunity, washing of hands, clean environment, clean water and food preparation, immunizations. The next two quotes are what we as a world are currently going through don't you think?

Quote* While there are many reasons to leave the grid, there are also multiple issues that might cause the grid to collapse right out from under you.  While we usually think of issues like economic collapse, conventional or nuclear war, massive natural disasters from weather or violent nature, a less considered potential is bioterrorism or natural biological catastrophe.

Quote* The grid will withstand a bioterrorism attack but is vulnerable to many natural and human-made events, including nuclear warfare and it is those issues that the prepper must calculate into the survival equation.*

Veteran outdoors author William W. Forgey, MD is a full-time practitioner of family medicine and is also a member of the board of trustees of the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers, a fellow of the Explorers Club, and a past President of the Wilderness Medical Society. Chair Global Health Community. He is the author of many wilderness and camping books, including Wilderness Medicine and Basic Illustrated Wilderness First Aid. He is a Vietnam Veteran, a former instructor at JFK Center for Special Warfare, and was awarded a bronze star and army commendation medal. 

I could go on and on but then I'd be copying the book in its entirety. So far I've simply shared some of the topics.

My Thoughts in Summation:

I when reading off-grid thought at first that it would have many found items to use for healing wherever you are. It may have some things but it doesn't mean in that way.

The Medical Handbook was written by a doctor and many ailments need prescriptive medications. Unless you have a certain problem in which you have a stock of meds on hand then that could present a problem and you'd have to have or find the medication needed. Dr. Forgey does give lists of medicine used for specific problems. I could see how that could be good when you are visiting your own doctor to ask about if they don't happen to mention certain ones to you.

I like the chapters that have explanations for particular problems and then have quick charts to explain and find certain topics quickly.

I like the Handbook. It will be a great wealth of information to have on hand. I know we will find it very useful and think you will too. The book is very entertaining as well as informative.

Product Review
I recommend!

Thank you, William Forgey!

You can find more about William W. Forgey, MD here

You can buy the book link below:

Affiliate Link

I found a cute video and they are talking about this book here
I have started the video at the point of the topic:  book

The following video has great information about the book!

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