Oct 11, 2011

The Year We Grew Pumpkins in The Tree

Martha Richburg Dimery's grandmother, Agnes Garner from Timmonsville, S. C.  She grew pumpkins and one year the vines wrapped around a tree and what a surprise they all had....

Pumpkins hanging from a tree!

Grandmother Agnes Garner

Martha's thoughts on her grandmother:

She was far more precious than jewels.  Proverbs 31:10 describes my grandmother, Agnes Virginia Garner.  She was married to my grandfather Millard Lee Garner.  She worked very hard on the farm and raised 7 children. 

She cooked on an old wood stove and she was the best cook in the whole world.  Makes my mouth water just thinking about her lace cornbread, biscuits, homemade rolls, cakes and pies...Collards and sweet potatoes.  Oh my mercy when she would go out to the chicken pen with an ear of corn to shell, I knew what was coming.  The best fried chicken cooked in grease that ever touched my lips.

Grandmother was a Godly woman attending the Timmonsville Southern Methodist Church and she also took Bible courses by mail. She always tithed her money no matter how hard times were.  God always took care of her. 

I can remember the times that she would have the circle meetings. She had a set of green glass dishes that she served her delicious chicken salad on.  When pears were ripe she would can pear halves and put red or green coloring in them and this made a beautiful desert placed on lettuce with grated cheese and a dollop of mayo on top. 

Though times were hard she reached out her heart and hands to the needy and fed many hungry people that came by her house.

This is the article that was in the paper.

The article says:

From Small Acorns Do Big Trees Grow?  But This Is Ridiculous!--

Mrs. M. L. Garner of the Peniel Community, threw out some pumpkin rinds and seeds last year into a section that has been a pig pen.

This year pumpkin vines have spread allover and up ___into an oak tree and a pine tree.  They are larger than basketballs and are not supported by tree limbs, only their own vines.

Sweet Thoughts Martha Thanks for sharing.  I'll bet that was something to see.

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