Apr 13, 2012

Spotlight: Sheila Nesbitt Jordan

Hibiscus House is proud to present
Sheila Nesbitt Jordan
Spotlight of The Week

You know from talking to someone you quickly learn their personality. I learned several things while talking to Sheila. She is one beautiful person.
God has blessed her and she is taking her life experiences and making the world a better place. She has the most kind, gentle and caring nature. Sheila is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside and that is a true gift.  A gift she shares with all she meets.  There is truth behind the saying that you can't judge a book by it's cover.  This young woman is a prime example of that.  She has taken some things that have happened to her with such grace and is an inspiration to all.  She inspires me.

Her story in her own words:

I am by nature a very active person.  I enjoy making a difference in other people's lives.  Over the years I have been active in many areas in the community.  Building businesses and selling them to others in order to better the economy has been an ongoing passion for me.

I have a great love for animals and enjoy a wide variety of lovable creatures in my household.  I also have a great passion for helping other women to see the beauty that they have on the inside as well as the outside.

I have suffered from fibromyalgia for the past thirteen years.  After the birth of my son eight years ago I experienced a blood clot in my leg.

Four years ago I was faced with the diagnoses of Acoustic Neuroma, a benign tumor in the brain. The pain in my head was horrible.  I was unable to focus on my work and I felt that I couldn't properly take care of my children.

The surgery I endured was long and tedious, but successful.  I was told that a full recovery would require extended rehabilitation that could last up to eight months.  The surgery left me totally deaf in my left ear and 10 percent loss of hearing in my right ear.  As a result, I had to learn to balance myself and walk again.

I was determined to succeed.  The Lord had brought me so far, surely I could move forward from this point and return to my normal life with my family.  Instead of just walking down the corridor of the hospital with my physical therapist, I asked if I could climb the stairs in the stairwell.  I knew that if I could balance myself stepping up and down that I would certainly be able to learn to walk again.

I left MUSC after a few days to recuperate at home in Lynchburg.  With a positive attitude, surrounded by my family and with strong faith and determination I was able to return to full-time work at my salon within six weeks.

Sheila & Company, A Luxury Salon and Day Spa
located at  Woodland Drive Florence,SC 29501
Phone # 843-292-9266
Sheila has been in the beauty industry for 29 years.

I am so grateful to all of my friends and family who made phone calls, visits, brought gifts and faithfully kept me in their prayers.  I am especially thankful for my physicians, Drs. Booth, Farrell, Patel, and Lambert, for their loving care and professional expertise.  I appreciate Dr. Sattele and Kelly so much for coming to my rescue in an urgent time of need.

Being faced with such physical complications has brought me many new perspectives in my life. Before my surgery I discovered a wonderful expert in a local Charleston restaurant that left me moved and inspired.  This perspective has been a resounding influence on my life through my recovery and to this very day.

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day, regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past.  We cannot change the fact that people act a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude.  I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it.  And so it is with you ~ we are in charge of our ATTITUDES." -Pastor and Author of "Attitude", Chuck Swindoll

   I recently competed in two beauty pageants:
In 2011 I was Crowned 
2012 Classic Mrs. All American, a national title

I went on to compete in Classic Mrs. World and was crowned 
Classic Mrs. World Elite in February 2012


I look back on my life and thank God for all the achievements, opportunities, and people He has brought my way.  Each adversity and accomplishment has brought me closer to my family.

Husband Jay, Daughter Chandler, Son Cameron

With all that good and bad I have experienced nothing compares to having my two beautiful children.  They inspire me to be more



My children are my eternal legacy.  I pass my beliefs and passions to them;  they are and continue to be my greatest accomplishment.

-Sheila Nesbitt Jordan  

Thank you Sheila for sharing your story with us.


  1. Sheila,
    Thanks for sharing your story :) :) Oh, and congrats on all your accomplishments, too :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  2. I am so honored to be able to share my life with others. Thank you Dolly for the privilage of being in one of your spotlight articles. As the pages of my life have unfolded I never would have dreamed about some of the opportunites that have come my way. My prayer is that by sharing my story it would help even just one person to navigate the storms their life.

  3. I enjoyed reading this inspirational story about Sheila. I love what she said about attitude.
