Oct 20, 2012

Fall Nature Scenes From Hibiscus House

 Garden Spider at work

 Pretty spider, and I don't like spiders at all

 What is that is the tree?

cotton coming out in front of house

I will post more cotton pictures when the field looks like snow....so beautiful.

Morning Glories 
Where you find cotton you will most likely fine these


Until next time....
I leave you with a commercial song I like!


  1. Dolly, your home looks beautiful in the fall just as it does in any season. I don't like spiders either. Once I was bitten on the face by a spider so I don't go near them! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  2. Love your house, Dolly! Such a gorgeous farmhouse style!

    xoxo laurie

  3. Beautiful home and grounds Dolly... Wish I were there on the porch with a big glass of iced tea and a visit with you! It looks so inviting... :)

  4. Lovely photos ! Your home is cute , very nice ! Have a good day !

  5. Hibiscus House is beautiful Dolly. I enjoyed every picture. I was impressed to see that you still have cotton. We live an hour from Bakersfield, down in the valley. They sprayed defoliants on their cotton crops a while back and were harvesting last month. I think it's so neat, the variety of our climates. Have a wonderful new week dear friend.

  6. Hi Dolly,
    Oh, your house is just so cute :) :) :) I loved seeing the photos of the cotton plants. I can't wait to see the field of snow once it's all ready to be picked :) :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of CAlifornia, Heather :)
