Feb 24, 2013

Americana and Silkie Chick Updates

Thought I would share with you a chicken update.

Born March 19, 2012
one Silkie Chick "Elvira"
one Americauna Chick "Cotton Candy"
Born to Patty Partridge Silkie Hen

The Americauna Chick Spring 2012 "Popcorn" is her name
This is "Cotton Candy" now below 2013

Shown Below:
"Cotton Candy" on the left "Cora Lee" in Front
  "Pat the Hammer" Grandson's  New Hampshire Red Hen with black tail feathers on right

The Americauna "Cotton Candy" on left, center Silkie "Patty" and the little silkie "Elvira" on the right.
  Silkie "Elvira" now 2013 the largest in this nest and now a broody hen

This is the hen looking a little bad because she has been in the hen house over 2 months off and on with her broody little self...she was setting on blue Lavendar Araucana eggs
click Here to see that story

Elvira is no longer broody. There was only the one chick hatched and they are all one happy village.

I'm excited to announce the very first blog hop over at dolly's designs

Please stop by and share some of your creative designs! Thanks in advance!


Linking to these fine blog hop parties: