Feb 9, 2013

Tufted/rumpless Araucana Chick Update.

Good morning all! We only had the one chick to hatch out of seven You can imagine that I really want this one to live and thrive.

There are at this very moment two very disappointed hens still setting.  I put one French Marans Egg under so they will have to fight over that baby..They won't fight though they are such a very gentle breed. 
I thought that I'd update you on the new Tufted/Rumpless Araucana chick.  It is three days old in these pictures.  
They were taken on 2/2/13 On this day the chick and mother hen were outdoors for quite a while.  The chick had gotten the hang of drinking and eating it was so cute.  I don't know if our new baby is a boy or girl but I am going to refrain from saying he because I sure hope it will be a she...

(I apologize for the quality of pics but I was so excited to see it eat and drink)

Look at the little side tuft feathers already on the head...so cute!

{The tufts are unique to the Araucana chickens.  The tufts are a group of feathers that grow from a flap of skin near the ear called a peduncle} credit

 That is one proud surrogate mother hen "Patty Partridge"

 Watching mama eat the big chicken food


I hope you enjoyed your update.  We have another addition to our Hibiscus House Family.  It is a year old Great Pyrenees Dog!  I will post about him soon. 
Have a great weekend!

Linking to these fine blog hop parties



  1. Cute chickie!! My girlfriend has Araucanas and one of the hens has no tail! Is this very common? She is rather cute looking too! :)

    1. Thanks Candy! I don't think there are a lot of this breed around. I'll bet they are cute would love to see some pics of them...

  2. Is there anything cuter than a baby chick? I hope it makes it too.

    1. No that's for sure they are so cute! Thanks Elaine!

  3. How sweet! I just ordered some rare/ornamental layers this morning and I hope there's a silkie in the mix. :)

  4. Hi Nancy!
    I hope you have one too! They are so sweet and broody...that is how I got this little chick..and many more ... I have 2 other Silkie Hens just sitting in the nests with no eggs under them...so broody...they threw out the french marans egg out didn't want that one...funny birds...I am excited to see what kind of rare breeds you do get! Let me know if you get the chance!

  5. Your baby chick is so cute and tiny.

  6. love you pictures and adorable baby chick...Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

