Feb 10, 2013

Casper Our New Great Pyrenees Dog

I would like for you to meet the newest addition to our family of backyard animals.
This is Casper

You may remember that our Great Pyrenees Dog, Chewy passed away not long ago and we miss him so.  These dogs are so sweet and protective.

 Casper came to us seemingly overnight. His previous owners could no longer keep him.  Some very nice people enabled us to have him and we are so very grateful.  I thank God because I know he is behind this wonderful gift.  It was my first thought because of the circumstances in which he was found and how quickly this all came about.

Casper wasn't here very long before his tail was wagging, he was touring his new home and checking out his new feathered friends, (He even marked his territory right away) it was then that I knew he was happy with his new home.

Chuck is a dog whisperer, always has been.
Casper had not been in his new pen for ten minutes and this is how he reacted to him.


Casper, one year old

Yes, I think he is happy already.  He seems to like his feathered friends.  That is a plus!
Let the spoiling begin!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the week ahead!


  1. What a great looking dog and smart. He knows a good home when he sees one.

    1. Hi Michelle,
      Thanks so much! Such a sweet compliment from such a sweet friend! Hope your week is great!

  2. Casper is gorgeous. Looking at those images it seems Chuck really does have a way with dogs. I am very happy for you all. Your hens have a new friend and protector too.

    1. Hey Heidi! Thank you! I hope you get yours really soon. Yes Chuck has a way with animals and people. He is great with the hens and bossy rooster too...so far cross your fingers..Have a wonderful week!

  3. He's beautiful! Looking forward to seeing how he likes his new home.

    1. Hello Kathy! Thank you! I hope that he will continue to enjoy his home right now he is letting the chickens come and go as they please and that is a blessing...Good to hear from you always! I hope you have a great week!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Kristina! Yes, it truly is and I am so thankful. It's so good to hear from you! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Aw, Casper is so pretty! I love how he reacted with Chuck, that is awesome! Yep, he seems happy to me. Enjoy him for years to come~

    1. Hello Angie! Thank you. I know He is so good with animals. I think Casper is going to be a good dog. It is so good to hear from you! Hope all is well and you have a great week!

  6. What a beauty!
    He already looks at home.

    1. Thank you Sandra! Good to hear from you and hope you have an excellent week.

  7. Oh my gosh, what a cutie! He has the sweetest face. So happy that he found a home with you. Chuck definitely looks like a dog whisperer. I am impressed!

    1. I'm smiling such sweet comments! Thank you for taking the time to make them and for being such a sweet friend. I know he amazes me with animals just born with a special ability to communicate with them. So good to hear from you always! Have a great week!

  8. Dolly, how wonderful you have a new member of the family! And the dog whisperer needs to come to our house! Our Lucy is a good dog but she doesn't respond like your Casper does!

    1. Hi Jane! I'll tell him to go on over but your Lucy looks pretty good to me! Hope you have a great week sweet friend! If I could only get Casper to respond to me in that way...lol

  9. What a beautiful dog! I'm so glad he found you.

    1. Thank you so much! You know how we all love our animals! Have a great week!

  10. Casper sure is pretty. I know ya'll are glad to have a new member of the family

    1. Hi Leo!
      Thanks! Yes we are glad and it will help keep our chickens alive. You know we are just close enough to that swamp for the wildlife to come on up without a dog around. I like your Lucy that is a pretty dog and looks like a member of your family for sure...Good to hear from you Leo!

  11. congratulations on your new baby boy! He is so handsome and he will protect your girls too! I'm happy for you all! xo Deb
