Feb 17, 2013

What Did You Say? Snow in South Carolina!

Snow in South Carolina, just the mention of snow in our fair state creates excitement!  We very seldom get snow, but when we do you can bet we enjoy it to the fullest!  It is a treat, a celebration, a downright thrill for us to have snow.  This morning I ventured out, not far mind you, Chuck was asleep and what if I fell and broke something...I'm laughing as I type this.  I think we got a total of 2 inches or so...one of those melted before dark...If we can even see a snowflake on the ground we will try to make a snowman and definitely make snow cream..The trick is not to get any dirt in it from so little snow...

Welcome to snow at Hibiscus House

Saw the picture below, this morning on Facebook and that about says it all.

Can we even drive in the snow?  Are you kidding?  Of course we can't...So do we care?  No!  We will get in anything that has a motor, crank it up and fly low just to have fun...This doesn't have to be on the highway of course that would be dangerous! Just give us an open field, a four wheeler, golf cart or pickup truck and off we go.  I didn't say that we wouldn't bog down but we sure would have fun doing it.  Have you ever been pulled on a car hood sled? Or skated on top of one? Daddy owned an auto body shop and we kids did such things.  You haven't lived until you have done something crazy like that...

Our cousins home across the road.  Isn't it beautiful?

View from the front porch.  
Thank you Lord for such beauty.

I wonder what made these tracks across the front yard?

The sky this morning was just breathtaking!

Grandkids would love this!

Catie took this picture below for me last night. 
It is from our old home.  
I can't believe it iris blooming in the snow.

Catie & Carly made snow cream this morning.

Well in the time it took for me to put this blog post up the snow has almost melted away.  

Have a great week!


  1. Snow in South Carolina is a gift; so glad you enjoyed all it had to offer.

  2. It is fun to see snow through a Southern girl's eyes! We have more snow coming tomorrow and for us it just spells more cold weather. We are MINUS two degrees here right now and not sure how warm it will be tomorrow. I could send you a foot or two in a semi-truck if you would like!?! xo Diana

  3. Must be so exciting to see the snow in such an unusual setting. Be careful out there - I slipped on the ice this morning and banged my chin - got a nice goose egg on it.

  4. Wow! Lucky you!! We got snow here one time December of 2004 it made national news!..had not snowed in 100 yrs...it happened on Christmas Eve, so it was a true blessing! Enjoy and take plenty of pictures...

  5. Dolly, I enjoyed seeing your photos of the snow. Somehow I missed the sky this morning. You must have been up earlier than I was!

  6. How beautiful! Same thing happens here in TN and no on the car hood sliding, but we tied stuff to the back of the tractor and went through the fields! Last good snow my son did the kayak behind the 4-wheeler.

  7. Snow in South Carolina is beautiful at the Hibiscus House!! Such a pretty sky that God blessed you with to go along with the pretty snow!

    Have a delightful week my friend~
