Jun 10, 2014

Lone Star Let's Go Inside.

I love the Coca-Cola Cooler

I showed a little of the beautiful old building that house the rooms of Lonestar BBQ & Mercantile.  Today I am showing you some of the inside of these buildings with my pictures.  I apologize in advance for the poor quality but hope that you have some idea of what is inside.  Enjoy your picture tour of the inside.

The first owner talks about the historical buildings and the objects inside.  Very interesting video.

View down hall between buildings

Look at this beauty!

 I had to get a closer view!

This is a beauty too!

 Sorry the sun is in our eyes.  I started to crop these few pics more but chose to leave so you could get an idea of how it really looks.  Open and lots of windows.

Oh, alright cropped view below.

A bright and cheerful place.

I'll leave you now and hope you enjoyed the inside.

Next post we go out the back door and I loved what I saw.
You are going to like it too!

Until next time!

Sad Update: I'm posting 12/26/23
Lone Star BBQ is currently closed because of
A major fire Christmas 2023 
No future plans have been announced as of yet.

Pretty sad because the buildings themselves were filled with memorabillia and many historical items 
Santee Fire Chief Ed Barnett talks about the Lone Star BBQ Fire 
A huge loss

Co-Owner Rachel Henderson Speaks about the Fire. 
Cory Henderson Talks About The Loss of Everything


  1. Dolly,
    I really enjoyed this post!
    I loved all the memorabilia ..
    I would love to visit that place one day..
    Thanks for sharing.
    Xo Marissa

    1. Hey Marissa!
      Thank you so much. If you do get out our way please call because I'd love to see you if you do visit!
      Xo Dolly

  2. What a great old place! I LOVE that old Coke cooler and I remember some of those signs from my childhood- xo Diana

    1. I love these old general store type businesses. They remind me of the days my granddaddy would take me in and buy me butter cookies or as I called them sugar cookies. I like the cooler too and the signs are beautiful...Thanks Diana good to see you sweet friend!!!
