Aug 4, 2014

We Have Worms At Mimi Camp!

Prize Worm Collection!

I'm so blessed to have my children and grandchildren living close to me.  They brighten any day!  

Every Summer we have "Mimi Camp".  I look forward to it and can see how fast my little grandson, is growing.  I know that one day he may have outgrown "Mimi Camp", but I hope he never does!

We do things like go into the woods to clear little timber.  Dig deep holes.  Make plans for things such as a duck pond.  We garden and play.  Sometimes we have "Mimi Boot Camp"  thankfully we don't have that often...Brainiac is a great child.  Lil One will be coming soon to camp because he is growing up very quickly too!  I had girls so these grandsons are quite a lesson to me in boys.  They are indeed different than girls.

This year at camp it has rained almost daily so we've had to spend a great deal of time indoors.  Mimi has missed being in the yard.  This day it cleared a little so we took a walk in the vegetable garden and little fruit orchard.

Look at this!  My tomatoes!  Somethings eating them!
If you look closely below the tomato top right you can see what is eating them.

Fuzzy pic but look at that scoundrel!  Tomato Hornworm!  Make that Tomato Hornworms!

Look at this acrobat!  These critters are hard to pull away from something too!

Before I saw what was eating the tomatoes I saw this telltale sign.  Hornworm droppings on the leaf.  

Take a look at the damage they can do and very quickly.  They can wipe out a crop in no time at all!
See no leaves or tomatoes on this bush.

I had to run inside to get Brainiac!  What more could a boy want huge worms on a rainy day to catch and put into a canning jar?  

Showing off his catch.

The sun is coming out now.

What did we do with them you may ask?  We walked over to the chicken pen and there to greet us was Casper, the Great Pyrenees.  He was so glad to see Phillip that he didn't notice we had just thrown the worms into the pen.  He has huge furry feet and he just stomped all over them.  We left I don't know what happened to the worms after that.  I don't know if the chickens ate them or not.  Lil Brainiac didn't put up a fuss throwing them away and that kinda surprised me.  I guess these things repulse everyone!

They turn into a moth like the one pictured below:

photo credit
How to get rid of them here

We went over next to check the grapevines.  This is the little bunch grapevine called "Blue Lake Bunch Grapes"

Muscadines given to me by a neighbor Mr. Amerson.  He has a fantastic Plant/Tree Nursery right down the road.  If you are local you have most probably heard of Amerson's Nursery.  If not check them out.

They are beautiful aren't they?  They are fairly new vines and I expect great crops in the future.  Muscadines grow very well in South Carolina.
To read for more information about the Muscadine Grape Clemson University here

I think my boy is having a great time!  He has found ripe grapes.  We also picked blueberries. 

Yes, we might have had a rainy "Mimi Camp" but it was still a lot of fun.  I learned a lot about Mario and played with he and the villians of the Mario toys.  We watched you tube, movies and I had my best little buddy with me.  That was the best thing of all.  I can't wait for my littlest grandson to grow and come to "Mimi Camp".

This Summer has gone by very quickly.  We have gone to the Summer Kid's Movies at the local theater.  That has been an adventure.  School starts back soon.  Can you believe it?  I can't!

Happy remaining Summer to you all and hope you're enjoying your little ones too!


  1. Our chickens get those worms too. Ha. I bet that little guy had fun catching them.

    1. Hey Kristina!
      I really can't stand those things but had to act all big in front of the little one....they make my skin crawl....Yes he did have fun. Good to hear from you!

  2. I see the damage on my tomatoes but can't find the darn worms. My husband thinks the birds got them. I hope so.

    1. I hope it was birds too they might just be a little easier to handle. The worms are almost hidden in the green but when you see one you'd better take action they have done such damage to mine they might not come back this late here in the season.

  3. I am so excited to have Mimi Camp here too in a few years. Daughter and I already talk about the fun Arlo will have here! You look like you had so much fun even with the tomato worms. That is making lemonade out of lemons. :-) Have a great day Dolly!

    1. I'm excited for you because I know how much you love that new grandchild and will enjoy having your own Mimi Camp! I love the name Arlo! Thanks for visiting today and putting a smile on my face.

  4. It is a shame that they are so destructive because they really are pretty. I'll bet he Loved catching them, I know that I do (but I'm a tom boy at heart!)

  5. Eeesh! I hate those things. They are the reason I stopped growing tomato plants. Yuk.

    1. I know what you mean I've pulled enough of these creepy things this past week to last lifetime!
