Oct 21, 2016

I Won a Month's Worth of Meals From PeachDish & Joseph Joseph!

Can you tell I was excited to win this?  This is such a luxury for me!  You know I cook simply with easy recipes from staples that I generally keep in the home anyway. This will be a treat! 
I received my first shipment this week! I will share today the first meal cooked and how I personally would rate it! Join me won't you as I tell you all about it just in case you aren't familiar with PeachDish!
You can read all about how PeachDish works here so you will know how it works. I myself have not joined and not gaining a thing by sharing with you.  It is just a new fun adventure I intend to enjoy while it lasts.

PeachDish partnered with Joseph Joseph  to give away a month's supply of meals value over $250

Jennifer Booker's Pork Chop with Hoecakes & Bacon Snap Beans

I ordered two meal kits for the week and each one feeds two. Jennifer Booker's Pork Chop with Hoecakes & Bacon Snap Beans. seen here.  I fixed this one last night.

Unpacking the first box!

Look at the goodies!

Dolly is cooking!

My Thoughts
  • It took a little while to cook it, you know something new and reading the whole time.  I do recommend, as they do that you read the very nice recipe cards that come with each meal kit thoroughly before cooking.
  • The kit arrives in such a cute net bag with pretty ribbon drawstring, filled with just enough of each ingredient well a little extra at times for what you will be cooking.
  • Cute little bottles and containers, which you know I will wash and reuse or recycle if not using again.
  • Fresh ingredients at their finest!  They tell you who they get them from so you know exactly where they come from.  I like knowing who grows something and how it is grown/produced!
  • Very tasty dish!  I liked every bit of it! The pork chop was tender, juicy and seasoned to perfection. The snap beans were some of the best I've ever eaten! The Hoecakes were very good.  You know I was raised on Hoecakes so hard to beat the ones I already make and love, but these were very good!
  • All in all excellent!  Delicious!  Loved it! I was like a kid waking up at Christmas opening a gift!

I fixed this menu kit below today!
Chicken & Dumplings

 Zeb Stevenson's Chicken & Dumplings seen here and short video and then full length video below:

My Thoughts
  • This was a light and tasty dumpling recipe. No, it's not my grandmother's, mother's, nor my Chicken and Dumplings but for a different variation filled with tasty vegetables it is good!
  • It was enjoyable to have the ingredients so handy and ready to use.  
  • It was filled with vegetables which are more than I add to my favorite. 
  • Vegetable cube is a lighter ingredient as well. 
  • This was actually enough for 4 servings and quite filling.
  • We liked this it was good! It was vegetable filled and delicious!

I'll post later about the prizes from Joseph Joseph soon!  
I love their products and have won over $200 worth!


  1. Dolly!!!! What a fun thing to win! Good for you! It is hard to veer outside of our regular cooking routine sometimes. This is the perfect nudge to do just that. I have a friend that has used Blue Apron for almost a year and she absolutely loves it. It is quite a bit of work for her sometimes, though, but, like yours is it all fresh ingredients and tastes fantastic. Enjoy it!!! xo Diana

    1. Hi Diana! Thank you it is fun just having things right at your fingertips. I signed up for the Blue Apron one time but for some reason changed my mind. You're right just the right nudge to try something new! I needed that! xoxo Dolly
