Aug 15, 2017

Bunny Talk and Porch Curtains

Oh the excitement of a newly painted porch, railings and ceiling!  Friends you know how much we're enjoying the porch.  It is such a pleasure to walk outside and enjoy the colors!  It is amazing what a little paint can do to change your whole surroundings.  Color affects the mood even!
It wasn't long after we painted that we started noticing scratch marks, then gashes taken out of the porch flooring and railings.  What in the world was happening, we scratched our heads and gave up thinking about it.

One morning while cleaning the Foyer I noticed something starring at me.  I went closer to the window to see what it was.

There it was, this adorable innocent little bunny.
Yeah right starring me down as if to say, "What"?
This stare down went on for awhile!

Still staring!

It went on for so long until I just continued snapping pictures!
Look do you see that smile on his face?
I guess I interrupted his wood/paint snack time this morning!

A little snacking here.
I placed a welcome mat to the edge of the porch because underneath he had been munching as well.
So, of course, he chose to chew outside of the mat!

I do love to see these little creatures, but didn't realize wood is their snack of choice.
We've had a hawk eyeing them lately and I don't like that.
Hawks are really beautiful and I'd love to get a good picture of this one
Even though I don't want him harming our rabbits or chickens

You see this little darling
He and we are the reason for the outdoor curtains on this porch
The afternoon sun is so bright and hot that we can't enjoy anything there at that time.

Finally a few outdoor curtains hanging!
Oh it took some time let me tell you but Finally!

Whew!  I mentioned earlier in a post about the porch curtain fiasco, well let me tell you about my hair brained idea.  I had been pricing outdoor curtains and rods for sometime and they were just, in my sewing mind, way too expensive!  Oh I don't want to make them, too lazy right now for that.  So light bulb moment in this blonde/gray haired lady:  Ding, ding, ding...Why don't I get inexpensive shower curtains complete with vinyl liners?!  Yes, and with shower curtain rods!!  Ding, ding, ding is right!!! (dingbat)!  Not only is the sun shining down bright and hot, but it rains in here due to the winds coming from that direction. Yes, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone.  We're far off the road no body will see the liner on the outside of the spa white waffle textured shower curtains hanging on the white shower rods.  Can you imagine the pristine look of it? Below is a pic of them I ordered 9 of them plus 9 rods!  Yes that's right!

Doug and Catie came over so of course I put that tall son in law to work hanging them on porch. Before they could get out of the driveway some fell...yes that would not work.  Sadly I knew that we had to have stronger rods here with the winds and yes the liners would not work at keeping the rain from the porch! :(....AHA somebody a lot of somebodys are going to receive shower curtains plus rods for Christmas!....Resourceful...Crazy but resourceful!

I broke down and ordered the outdoor rods and curtains! 

Hanging them was quite a chore! 
I don't know the type wood they used on the porch. 
All I know is you can drill all day and not make a dent!  
That's another story altogether, one Ill leave untold!
Look at that isn't it nice?

Morning view

Afternoon View

Closer view
I have another curtain I will add to the end to make it cover better.

The other side of porch in the morning sun
I didn't hang curtains on this side because they aren't needed there.
The morning sun is beautiful and doesn't hinder any activity on the porch.
The OCD in me keeps popping up with well you need balance!  
No I'll fight it and not balance because it is functional and pretty.

I've spoken before about the 'Chimney Sweeps' nesting and messing up the porch

The snake picture still hangs in the corner and is doing it's job. The birds still come up and fly in the porch over our heads greeting us. They escort us and everyone into the drive and out of the drive to our home! I love them truly.

The wasps have found a way to build their nests behind the shutters and even on the backs of my new curtains!  Oh no that can't happen!

The critters rarely try to build on the white trim around the ceiling, but not the blue! A sparrow tried to build a nest behind the white curtain, I put a stop to that.


I'll leave you today with this view...Taken on one of these porch days.
Isn't this amazing?
I find it so beautiful!

I need to share with you some of the beautiful daylilies we've had blooming here! 
I'll do that soon even though they have about played out we so enjoyed them this year.
Have a great week!


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