Feb 1, 2018


I like to sew as you know, but haven't been able to do much of it lately.  I had a wonderful kitchen above the sink curtain that Carly gave me.  I so loved that, white of course curtain.  However time and bright sun took it's toll on them.  Oh I tried one last time to wash them but it would be the last time.  They were so rotten they came out of the wash torn to shreds.  Today I'm talking about one use that is simple and fast. Curtains for your kitchen windows.

You know last year we had the house painted.  That was when I removed and had to trash those curtains I loved.  

Who likes to shop Sur La Table?  I sure do and family members know this because on holidays they receive some of their merchandise!  

I had purchased some items when on sale like napkins, kitchen tools, some adorable latte milk bottles.  

These adorable cork place mats
Don't you like them?

See the amount of red color, a stretch for me
Believe it or not in the late seventies my kitchen was red, even the counter tops!
Green filled the room as well 
Strawberry wallpaper covered the walls of this 'Strawberry Lady' s kitchen!

They have the Italia for Chuck and the chicken for me! Win win situation!  Also, this enabled me to add some color into my white, tan, off white, kitchen. I'm laughing because the girls pick at me and my neutrals.

It only makes sense to me that when the linen cabinet is overflowing to use them! what would look great with this? How about using some kitchen towels to make the curtains?  I won't have them up long anyway, because I will take color and change out often.  If history proves me right.  Yeah, I will change them out.  Great news, if they aren't damaged from hanging too long in the sun you can pull the seam out and use them for their intended purpose!

I had a variety of these Italia kitchen towels that is until they sold out.  I really like them and they can be rather expensive, but watch closely and you can find them on sale at certain times of the year.  Another thing to watch out for is they sell out quickly when on sale.

I decided to go with the Gusto Towels
We have some Italia cups, sugar dish,creamer and espresso maker that match these.
White is still the main color so how happy does that make me?  Very!

Close up detail emblem

Not a great picture but sharing anyway
See the cute designs on the Italia Collection?

I'm sorry it is no longer available but you find the things that you like and want to use.  If there is one thing I know there are many many colors and designs of kitchen towels out there for sale.  It will be fun to find some don't you think?  Feel free to share your kitchen curtains with us.

Simple Kitchen Towel Curtains




  • You may think that even though an item is the same check closely
  • Items can vary even the same item, design, stock number, everything!
  • Check out the sizes, make sure they are exactly the same!
  • Check out the designs, make sure they measure up especially if they have distinct designs such as mine up above! Think wallpaper how the designs need to match up!
  • Easier if you have an all over pattern that won't matter so much as to matching.  It will fool the eye.
  • Hold them up together if possible
  • Check the stitching on items to be sure it is pretty close to straight, that will make a difference in finished product.

If you sew you already know how easy this would be to make.
I ran into a problem, believe it or not while making them
I'll tell you all about it in the craft room over at dolly's designs
Don't buy your towels until you read the warnings  


  1. Your curtains are wonderful, I love what you did. I have some old flour sacks that I have been thinking about making new kitchen curtains out of. First I want to find the perfect shade of green to paint my bottom cupboards. Vintage 1930's green :)

    1. Thank you Connie! Oh flour sacks I wish I'd kept my grandmother's! I can't wait now you have to let me know when you do all of this. Excited to see your green cupboards too! How fun! Good to hear from you...Dolly

  2. Cute idea, Dolly. I remember having curtains in my kitchen made from tea towels. In this house the back faces the bay so I don't have any curtains at all on that side of the house. Yours turned out cute. xo Diana
