Oct 4, 2019

Me and My Chicken!

I Guess the title should read My Chicken and I, but this one just sounded better to me.

This chicken follows us every day.  As a matter of fact if he thinks we are up having coffee He gets angry.  If we haven't stopped to open the back door to speak, he will stand at the back door and crow until we do!  Today introducing a very special chicken and I've named him Comet!

This particular early morning, he and I took a long walk about.  He was on my heels the entire time.  We have really long legs don't we?  Fun play with shadows!

There he is!  I'd like you to meet Comet!  A big beautiful rooster that was to be a hen!  He is extremely large so I had to remove him from the pen he was in.  He chose to sleep in a tree and spend most of his days outside with Chuck and me.  I was going to give him to my sister, but then it happened; He stole our hearts, and so quickly too!

They have a bond too

He now knows when Chuck gets up in the morning and runs to the porch to crow and crow and crow until he is spoken too and given a bread or cake treat.  You could say we have one spoiled rooster!

Every once in awhile he will venture onto the front porch

He is a beauty isn't he?

I hope you notice Carly & I have potted up flowers for Fall color

I declare he loves to watch me garden and seems to understand me when I tell him something! I watched him here as he circled each flower pot as if he was inspecting to see if I'd done it right! He would make a good mascot for a flower nursery!

He is ready to move on to another part of the garden.

The sun is out now

Checking out one of his favorite porches
The garden cabin porch

Speeding back out to the chicken pen to check things out

See the hen in the background?
She is petrified of this young Rooster
He loves the older ladies, in fact all the ladies

You can see they would rather be left alone!
The reason he is free ranging most of the day

I'm boring him now he is outta here!

  I'll leave you with a video of a big show off!
He like Gaston crows on command!

Chicken talk for the day

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