Mar 22, 2020

Words of Comfort in Troubled Times

I think we all can become overwhelmed at times.  Overwhelmed may not be the word to use, concerned might be a better word.  This could be in everyday life. We sometimes let concern turn to worry and worry becomes overwhelming.  Those things at this moment in time don't seem to be so worrisome as they did a month ago. When something worse comes along it makes the previous concerns seem small in comparison. That is where we may be today with the Coronavirus looming over us at this very moment.

When all around you people may seem to be falling apart and you feel a sense of peace and contentment then that is truly a blessing. The blessings and peace come to me in the form of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the reading of His word in the Holy Bible.  Through Him, we find (for lack of a better word) outstanding peacefulness.  

Today I wanted to share a few sermons with wonderful messages that will inspire you. I know they did that for me and I'm so grateful.  

I'll share a few sermons to help you through these times

Ebenezer Baptist Church
Pastor David Wike

Sermon filled with Inspiration We need today!

Matthew 10:22
and you will be hated by all in My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Hebron United Methodist Church
Pastor Jerry McManus

Wonderful Message of Faith

Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength, very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

*read more in this chapter in your bible or online here

Short Video
InTouch Ministries
Charles Stanley

Words of Wisdom and Faith Always!
 Filled with wonderful verses of hope and faith!

Psalm 103:19
The Lord has established His throne in heaven,
And His kingdom rules over all.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Message from 2018 but all of his messages are current because they come from the Bible.

The Bible is eternally relevant for all


When Chuck and I were between churches we would watch InTouch and Dr. Charles Stanley was certainly an inspiration to us.  Not one time have his sermons ever disappointed.
Although we have a church we still are inspired by his sermons as well.

We will have some woodworking in our newest Spotlight Story
The man not only is a local attorney but an accomplished woodworker

A great southern recipe will be shared by a man that seems to cook a lot and people around
Really enjoy it when he does!
We're grateful he has decided to share it with us!

Please go if you will and like my new Facebook Page 
I'd appreciate since the old one crashed.


I hope today's post has inspired you in some way.
May you be at peace as these days and weeks of separation from others go on
Soon very soon I pray we will all be functioning normally
With a new sense of appreciation would be a new normal!
Stay Safe and May God Bless You All!


  1. Thank you for sharing these greats videos. I watched church via Facebook live. It saddens me to see empty pews. Hope this all goes away soon.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I sure do too. Hang in there, girl!
      Hugs to you
