Mar 21, 2020


My favorite season!  How about you is it for you?  We've had a few days here lately that have been absolutely beautiful!  I enjoyed one of those days recently taking a little walk and enjoying some things beginning to bloom.

As my mama would say, " Come on y'all let's take a walk around."

Thornless Flowering Quince

A while back Carly bought this beauty to me!  It is a Flowering Quince.  I love the color!  You can see that my flower bed on this side of the house has some weeds to be removed. I do have my work cut out of me!

I am thrilled to see this shrub is still living!  I thought it had died since I haven't planted it yet.  It has taken root so I'll have to carefully remove and plant soon.

It looks rather pretty up against the house. I'll have to think, plan, and move this beauty.

The blooms are so different on the same stem!  The colors are unusual as well, some solid, some variegated.  So pretty!

Gerbera Daisies

Well look-a-here!  I found these beauties down at the base of the porch blooming away!  I happened to walk out on the porch and looked down to see if anything had survived from last year.  I was surprised to see these bright yellow blooms staring up at me!

I put most of my potted plants down at the base of the house between the hedges so that they would have a chance to survive the Winter months around here.  These did!  They are annuals but behave like perennials around here (sometimes).

Beautiful bloom

I was pleased to see the strawberry plants survived in this pot!

These strawberry plants and the celery plants from last year survived as well!  I'm hoping if the butterflies come back this year the celery can once again serve as host plants for them. You can see how they did last year read more here

I've forgotten the name of this pink Azalea.  It is just now beginning to bloom.

This is another beautiful shrub that I neglected to move and plant. It has now rooted in place!  I may just work around it and leave it in its new home!

The white azaleas in Gloria's Garden are very reliable.  They bloom yearly and have done so since we moved into our home.

 I love the view of our neighbor/cousin's home.

You can tell the soil around here is very acidic by the field of Rumex acetosella.  We tend to call it  'sour weed' seen in the background and red in color. We do tend to have very sandy soil.  It is actually beautiful to see in bloom.


Before I forget my Facebook Page is new. Sadly something happened to the old one I had it crashed and regrettably I lost the info to the followers. If you are one of them I'm very sorry but if you would like you can like the new page to keep updated or subscribe to the blog here in the Subscribe link above by leaving your email address for new post updates only.

I hope you are all well.  This has been a very stressful time for most and I'm praying for the Coronavirus to run its course quickly.  We are seeing the numbers of positive cases rise and are told that they will continue to rise.  Hopefully, they won't rise so high if we will stay in place ourselves and practice safe measures as regular hand washing, and safe distances from the public as well as our loved ones. I've been so busy wiping surfaces, cleaning the pantry, putting away items destroying and trashing dangerous packaging materials. Whew, I'm tired.

I know it is hard we want to visit and be in close contact with family and friends, but these are unusual times for sure. We will get through this, yes we will!

May God bless you and your family. Franklin Graham has some inspiring words of advice you may find very helpful.

Sadly Kenny Rogers has passed away
He was one of my family's favorite singers and will be missed.
A few years back Carly and I went to see him and you can read more about it ...

Leaving you with this very poignant video

Sweet Dolly

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