May 19, 2020


Strawberries, you know I love them!  I really do.  This is the fourth patch I've started out here in the wide-open wild animal place we live. I've had a few problems keeping a strawberry patch intact out here. There are just so many creatures that love the plants and the fruit. It happens that they know the best of times to eat them like myself and after years of waiting for the best they get it!  I won't let them whip me "No sir!".

I ordered more bare roots and will put in yet another patch in another spot.  I remembered the little raised gardens I had and pulled them out of the garden cabin.  Thankfully Catie was here to help me fill it with the soil we needed. Let me tell you that was a job.

Johnny, my son from another mother, gave me bags of rabbit droppings and they have proven to be a great addition to this strawberry patch. I mixed some into the soil before planting.

Today talking about what?  My favorite fruit the strawberry and our new patch!
Catie and Oskar my berry planting helpers

The variety I chose for this particular patch is Tribute. I've found that it performs very well here.  Catie and I set these bare roots out one day in early March.  We're hoping these survive the wild critters. 

I put this little raised garden patch in front of the garden cabin. The main garden evidently wasn't the place to plant them. Crossing my fingers they will make it. 
  • I mixed in the rabbit manure and we set the plants out. Be sure not to plant the little I call it a knot.  It is above the roots.  
  • Dig the hole not so deep just to place the roots around in. 
  • Water daily for at least 7 days. If it rains, of course, you get the day or maybe two off.  A good tip* stick your pointer finger into the soil up to the first joint or at least 1/2 inch deep. If it is still moist that is enough water. If it is dry then you must water. 
  • I fertilize weekly, whether it is a good bloom buster, a berry food, or natural such as my rabbit manure.  I have to be careful because too much of that can make beautiful green leaves and not fruit.  You'll soon get the hang of how much to add and when.
  • The first year isn't for the berries actually, but for the health and growth of the tiny seedlings.  You can pinch the blooms (I decided not to pinch my blooms, with the history out here of berries and plants disappearing I decided to just enjoy them!).
  • Cut the runners when they come off.  Plant if you have roots or if you wish to root them for new plants, or discard.

A little later in March, the seedlings are starting to grow

New growth in March

Oskar, my new gardening companion is always there to oversee the gardening!

Sloppy, glistening aka sweating me and Catie with animals after planting!

New growth in early April

Mid-April growth

Mid-May Growth
I am very pleased with the rabbit droppings and how well strawberries do with it!
It is ideal for them you can read more about it here
It is richer in nitrogen and phosphorus than cow manure. and it doesn't take as much.

Look who loves gardening with me!

This was just in the past week.  You'll notice the blank areas and that is fine it will be filled soon enough.  The runners must be cut the first year of growth so the energy can go into the main plant for better berries in the future!

What do you do with the runners you cut?  I'll tell you, if they have small roots then you set them out in other spots or containers. Pin them down and keep them watered until they take hold and begin growing. 

Cutting the runners from the main plants

My little helper overseeing the work being done!

Use what you have on hand

I have lots of paper clips, so why not use them I thought. Use wire cutters cut them into and use both sides. There are jumbo size.  I used them to hold the runners down into the soil.

There you have it a new plant in the making, placed in one of the bare spots

Great Article from The Old Farmers Almanac

I thought you would like a video talking about the runners

The little garden in its new location

I have some peppers and tomatoes in the containers behind  They are doing well.  I may not be thrilled with the pots, but hey, use what you have.  This pandemic has me reaching and searching for things to use, not a bad thing.  Reuse and enjoy what you have on hand, it may surprise you what you have on hand and can use!

Until next time....


  1. I have never grew strawberries but always wanted to give it a try. Yours look so pretty. They are coming along great! I do not have anything growing but a couple luffah plants and some flowers.


    1. One day maybe you will start you a strawberry patch. I need to plant some luffah my father in law gave me some seed and I should plant them. He used to tell me I'd love the sponges. You do great things with yours don't you? Bet your flowers are very pretty too!


    2. Thank you too for the nice compliment!

  2. I loved visiting you. We grew strawberries when we lived in a farm and it was fun to pick them when they were nice and red and my little daughters loved it. I also had blackberries.
    You certainly have a "Green Thumb" as it all looks wonderful.
    Keep safe dear.

    1. Hi Fabby,
      It is always such a great feeling when I see your beautiful face!  Thank you for visiting, I've missed you. We do love strawberries, don't we?  Blackberries you definitely have a green thumbyourself! I've tried for years to get them to grow  here, those and raspberries. I did have a few raspberries that lived for a few years and then something happened and they died. Replanted, butas of yet no luck. Hey I won't give up will try again.
      Please keep safe dear friend! So enjoyed your visit.

