Apr 27, 2021

2021 Early Spring Sour Weed Gumball Tree Tour With My Gardening Sidekick Our Dachshund Oskar

Lots and lots of what we call Sour weed are now seen in the fields that surround the house. I know it is a weed but look at how beautiful it is.  The farmers will come around soon to amend the soil for planting but for now, we'll enjoy looking at it.

If you would like to know the names of this weed that we call sour weed around here I'll share a little information:
It is called:  Rumex acetosella but known as red sorrel, sheep's sorrel, field sorrel, and sour weed which is what we around here call it. 

Join me for a walk with Oskar as we catch the views on the property this second day of spring March 2021.

Are you ready for our walk boy?

Look at this!  I enjoy every spring when it is in full red bloom

view to the left and up toward the front 

Looking to the left beside the driveway

Over the fence (I know it is as my mama would say falling down beautiful) view

Looking through the pear tree

Look at this view!
This was the first sight I saw when going behind the house
(I ran into this limb actually I was looking so hard)

Walking closer in and underneath the 'Gumball Tree' as we call it
Those trees leave you little spiny balls of torture if stepped on with bare feet!

They do grow extremely tall and lots of birds like them. Woodpeckers, sapsuckers, songbirds, even luna moths love the trees!  Did you know that in pioneer days they removed the bark to remove the resin? They chewed the resin before the development of chewing gum?  
Sweetgum tree links:  Carolina link   Hilton Head Island link  Medicinal Uses link  SCFC South Carolina Lobed Leaf Tree Identification link

Looking through the tree further at the weeds and the tree stand

View towards the swamp out back

Where the fields join cotton and weed

Oskar always on the job is sniffing searching making sure it is safe for us to be here

The grandkids and I have enjoyed a taste or two of this sour weed

I'll leave you today with a flipbook of today's tour

I'll be back soon because I have lots to post about.  We have a new Tractor Supply chicken coop some beautiful new chicks too!  I have flowers shrubs and trees that are blooming out.  We lost some blooms due to late frost but the strawberry patch is doing well blueberries are growing well!  
A car driven at Darlington Raceway by Nascar Denny Havlin Sports Clips Haircuts of Joe Gibbs Racing paint theme will be in honor of my cousin Slick Johnson!  We are thankful to Mr. Dargan Watts Joe Gibbs Racing Sports Clip Haircuts for this honor!
I may post more on this soon.

Weed of the Month Clemson link Red Sorrel

Rumex acetosella Wikipedia

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