Mar 25, 2022

This n' That Mar 2022

Busy here planning and my the plans that are rolling around in my head!  Getting things transplanted into the garden is exciting.  You know I'm always cooking in this house and for the moment still doing that.  Just not the seven-course meals and trimming corners to save time (for planting) and money.  Gosh knows, we can all use some of that right? 
This quick post up and about to get back into the garden!

I love fried chicken and guess I get that honest.  We in the family always have and when you talk about one, in particular, comes to mind Fannie.  That one loved it more than anybody in the world. I do believe she would have eaten it for every single meal. 

Chicken tenders fried up crisp and tender. 

Soak in buttermilk and add a little cornstarch to your flour, season well, and fry in new or fairly new oil quickly.  They can't be beaten! Children and adults love them.

These tenders came from ButcherBox.  It is pretty nice to have things delivered.

On this day I decided to make myself a sandwich

It was delicious!  Fresh chicken, fresh lettuce from Misfits another delivery that I've come to like and use.  Should you decide to order in the links they will save you and me a little money. I'll review both of them one day as to how they've evolved over time.

Corned Beef and vegetables for St. Patrick's Day 
(Between you and me, I really don't like it. I must not have a drop of Irish blood in me).

Spanish Rice
Made with fresh veggies ground pork and topped with homemade bacon bits, which I also get from those two delivery companies. I like this rice and have made it for years.

Look at what I woke up to see one recent morning

I had to catch this picture through my dirty kitchen window, but there he was in all his red glory.  Look closely beneath him and you will see his female companion who is almost hidden below on a limb.  She was well camouflaged because until I opened the door and they flew away I thought he was the only one there.

Thankfully I had a few of these first blooms that survived the last hard frost we had around here.

New blooms new patch

My little garden spot and cute little helper Oskar

This week I finally got a few heirloom tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and garden peas aka English peas planted! That was a little hard on these older/been lazy bones of mine! Lots more to be done and I can't wait!

MiracleGro AeroGarden

It always amazes all of us how quickly seeds pop up in the seed-starter tray of this thing!  On the left, you can see the English Peas sprouting up, and on the right the cabbage.  The cabbage sprouted up overnight I kid you not!  This was within a week of germinating!  Wow, that's all I can say is Wow! 

These English peas growing between the lights are called 'Tom Thumb' and I've planted some of them in containers on window sills, and even in the porch railing gardens!  I can't wait to see them growing and producing!


I did find some of the best seeds from Hoss Tools for now anyway the best prices.  I've had 100% germination with tomatoes, cabbage, peas about 98% with 3 or 4 of the bell peppers but that was due to the cucumbers growing like wildfire and covering them from the lights. All but 1 is making a comeback

Heirloom Tomatoes and I'm excited because these are my first ever grown from seeds!

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot about the wonderful fresh eggs that are being laid constantly this time of year!  They are so much better tasting, rich creamy, and more nutritious for sure.

Keeping chickens is not an inexpensive thing to do and in terms of work and care, it takes lots of that as well. If you take all of that into consideration you are still blessed with rewards far greater than the cost and effort! I've been doing it for many years so it is well worth it to me.  Another great thing to keep in mind is that when you at least have fresh eggs there will always be something great in the yard to feed you, family, and friends.

That about sums it up for what's happening around here

You know there will be more gardening and cooking posts soon!

We have tons of limbs that decided to fall on the edge of the woods and buildings to clean and clear.

Dang-it now 'I need a chicken sandwich!'

What are you all doing?

Enjoy your days!

Join me over at:

Saturday Sparks Link Party 507

Pieced Pastimes


  1. Your excitement is contagious. We all need to get going these days. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Ahh thank you Annie! I'll tell you something you always inspire me too! I love your snowdrops and can't believe I don't have any my Mama and Mother in Law always had them. They are so beautiful. Looking at yours make me know I do need some! Oh, and your precious plushies make me want to crochet!

  2. Looks like you are on a roll for getting things done for Spring. I used to make fried chicken at least once a week when my kids were little. I always did it in a big old electric fry pan.
    And- just so you know- I AM Irish and I can't stand corned beef and cabbage! lol
    Happy, blessed Sunday, Dolly- xo Diana

    1. Electric frying pans make the best fried chicken ever! Gosh, I'm glad I'm not by myself about
      the corned beef and cabbage. Whew...
      Thank you and I sure hope your Sunday is blessed too!
      xo Dolly
