Jul 3, 2022


I've been working so hard I've neglected blogging.  I'll be making up for lost time with a few gardening posts.  They tend to refresh my memory when the next growing season comes.  I hope you enjoy them.

I harvested the onions on June 4th of this year.  It is such fun to grow and then pull these beauties up.  I'm glad that Paul Nelson gave me a source to find a great sweet onion.  We've been enjoying them for a month now!  I can tell you they are delicious tiny green and larger dried.  Talking onions today! 

Right off the bat Catie has been reviewing the onion posts!  She is the clown here for sure!  Granted she makes the posts more fun.  

She says, "This post was a thrill ride."

"This new onion growing post today isn't as action packed as the first, but it's still good."

Moving on to Today's second installment of 'The Onion Chronicles'
(Catie's words)

March 1, 2022
Putting new pine straw out onto the strawberry rows
Little onion sets out now

April 22nd

Cabbage and onions growing May 3rd  
Just a short while later and the little onions are growing!

In fact on that very day in May I pulled these to eat.
I also picked these tiny sweet peas.

Delicious all of it

May 21st
So exciting to see them growing so well

June 4th 2022
Harvested most of the onions and cabbage
I'll add a post another day for the cabbage 
I'm a little slow on my blog/journal posting
Working hard I guess

Lots of different sizes I planted some too close
Next year I'll move a little further apart for large and closer in for tiny ones.
Making notes for myself but frankly all are Delicious!

These two are now enjoying the spot where the onions grew

It was to rain so instead of laying them out under a tree in the yard to dry
 I put them on a table on the front porch
They stayed there a few days until drying some
Then moved into the house
Where I immediately began cooking and eating some
I shared of course with family

These young squash have had blooms on them since they popped out of the ground
Now we are eating some of them
I'll have to post my squash for the gardening journal soon

Click the link below for the best onion sets found anywhere

Tips for planting, growing, feeding, watering 
Basically anything you want to know they have on their website.
Tell them Dolly sent you!

Happy Gardening All

Stay cool!

*note to self*  Don't set the time to have onions delivered until it it time to plant. I ordered them to come too early for planting and had to keep them alive and thriving in the cool pantry until the last reported frost.  That was about a month later! I learned my lesson on setting delivery time. Guess what? Even after planting we still had two surprise days of hard frosts back to back and these onions still survived and thrived! Whew I'm glad!

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