May 13, 2024

Oakleaf Hydrangea 2024

 Today I'm sharing the gorgeous blooms on this shrub

It is really showing off this year!

Let's enjoy the beauty together

'Big Show-Off'

My little gardening partner coming in 

He just woke up but can't wait to garden with me!

This bush is huge!

The Vegepods in the background and the picnic table seat pictured in the right front 
Showing the size in comparison

Another photo to show the size against the buildings in the background and the picnic table to the right

The blooms flow gently in the breeze and are so beautiful
I love the coloring of the leaves, check out the bronze-colored leaf up top

This and the above photos were taken when the plant came into full bloom on May 8th & 9th

This photo was taken May 11th
A few days later the blooms and leaves have started to take on another color 
I'll add photos when the blooms and leaves change to their latter color of bronze. red, or deep purple

I hope I didn't bore you to death with the same plant 

But if you could be here to see 

You would be walking around it in amazement with me!

You would like one too!

*my notes
My blog is also my journal and I look back on things occasionally. I'm in planting zone 8a
This is planted in full sun, although most information says the variety likes some shade. Full Bloom time here the first week of May

Useful Websites 

Proven Winners Ultimate Guide to Care and Growing:  Oakleaf Hydrangea

Martha Stewart Oakleaf Hydrangeas  How to Grow and Care for

NC STATE North Carolina Extension Gardner  Quercifolia Hydrangea

Country Living The Best Hydrangea variety for gardens in the south


  1. What a beautiful hydrangea, Dolly. I miss the big ones I had at my old house. Now my neighbors have them so I enjoy theirs. I hope you have a really great week-xo Diana

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you have your neighbors, plus new adventures less stress with all you have to do too! I'm cutting back on a lot of gardening things here too. Trying to make it more carefree. I sure hope you have a great week as well sweet friend! xo Dolly
