Dec 2, 2019

I Need to Decorate & Dreaming of a White Christmas!


I really like the old blue/black truck with wreath. It reminds me of one my father in law had and daddy's blue Ford truck. His wasn't this old but still brings back memories.

I like the kind of snow we get here in the South.  You know it comes is so unusual, we enjoy, and as soon as it lands it melts away.  Well, I like it when it stays a day or two anyway, giving enough time for play and snow cream!  Do you like the snow?  We have many friends that are at present being covered in snow, so maybe they aren't enjoying so much.

Christmas decorating and snow talk today.


Artificial Christmas Tree
This one was really beautiful for a number of years!

Our newest artificial tree from last year
Post link below
What Time Is It?

This tree is a slim of course to fit well in the living room!  I like it although the flocking does shed!  It looks like a winter wonderland.  This was without any other decorations!  It is pretty enough that none are needed.

We've had live Christmas trees most of my adult life and I love them the best.  I really do, but this smaller home doesn't allow for the width of most.  The height could be grand but the width doesn't work.  So learning to like the artificial more now.  There is something to be said about not having to water a live tree daily.


I really like garlands on porch banisters, over the door outside.  Inside over the mantel, wrapped around the staircase.  Every year I like to change the look and colors, haven't decided the colors this year, but it is always a fun decorating detail!

These guys need something to decorate
Guess I better get to work putting one up!


Do you make your own wreathes and garlands?  I do at times, but it is hard to find the greenery suitable for them.  What can be found around here doesn't hold up long, so not worth the effort.  I think I'll experiment with different local tree greenery.  That should be a fun change.

I really like her

A little different type of wreath building

One more video from Garden Answer

Wrapping is also a decorative part of Christmas
Choosing your colors for the year
I mean I tend to do that but my mama and grandmothers never did
They are probably laughing at me now as I do this,
Because they never ever even thought of it!


Guess it is time for some shopping
I've done very little so far this year, which is unusual!
Time to find something to wrap!


Decorations in the snow!


Is that not a gorgeous picture a deer in the snow?  It sure is to me!  We have deer that come through our yard, and driveway almost daily.  They are so graceful and beautiful!  It makes for hazardous driving about, but otherwise they are beautiful creatures.

Snow 2018


Don't you just love the outdoor lighting decorated for Christmas?
I sure do!

I adore the little cabin tuned into garden shed!
Got this little cabin from a friend, who owned a nearby campground!



 I've been so completely lazy since Thanksgiving
Getting into the swing of this cleaning, decorating, is a little hard!
Will get up and get busy, but until then sharing some beautiful pictures
Snow and Christmas Inspiration!


  1. Yes, we rarely see snow here in North Carolina. It is always such a big deal when it happens. I love snow for a day or two but then I’m ready for it to melt away.
    We used to use a real tree but I think I like the artificial tree the best. I can put it up when I want to and it leaves no mess behind. We have used a white Christmas tree for the past 3 years now. I like it but still not real sure about it. Like you, I like to change up my colors or themes each year. However, this year is the same as last year. I have a lot of black and red plaid. More of a cabin theme.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I know you are like me, we just don't see much snow. Catie has a solid white tree and it is really gorgeous, I know yours is! Our newest has green underneath with the flocking, so much flocking that it looks white!
      I love the black and red plaid! I know you must especially enjoy the cabin theme this time of year!
      Chuck and I looked at log cabins and were going to build one but can't recall why, we didn't; wish we had!
