Apr 17, 2020


Little King Trash Mouth looking in at the chickens in the pen

Hi all!  I sure hope you're doing well, considering the circumstances we're all living through.  I thought it would be good to share a simple walk around the yard. The animals are active and happy, plants are growing, birds are singing and fluttering around happily.  

I almost forgot the animal photoshoot star of the day is Trash Mouth!  Trash Mouth the Tomcat is entertaining, to say the least.  One of our newest backyard animals.

He is Catie's cat. Martha, her MIL rescued this cat from her workplace. Its mother pushed it aside would have nothing to do with it, so he always ate from the trash (hence his name). Sad, he was orphaned at a very young age. Martha took him home and gave him to Catie and Doug.

We are the proud cat grandparents. Catie informs me his true name is Little King Trashmouth! (I see why!) He is gorgeous, feisty, and thinks he is the king of cats. He very well may be with his disposition.

Every time I go out to call him I'm reminded of the lady calling her pup Fuzz Head in the movie Haven of Bliss.  Cat talk today....
Check out his fierce eyes

He is the back stoop protector and loves our Mint herb garden on the banister. We watched him roll around in it and stretch happily. It was funny to watch, so we found out the mints are in the Catnip family. Now we know, did you? 

He has taken over both the planter boxes
This year's outdoor herbs will have to find a new home

This cat loves to stalk and is pretty much a survivor!  We have been the lucky recipients of some of his catches, such as a mouse, lizard, and bugs. He really loves to stalk and catch bugs. The prizes we find on the doorstep are something else!

He can take care of himself extremely well.  At first, he was very standoffish but all that has changed now loves to be petted and is our buddy. 

He must itch a lot because he loves to roll around on cement

Life around here has become less boring because of the newest additions, that's for sure!  It's just too bad that Chuck hates cats!  Yes, sadly he hates cats and always has! Please, give me a break! 

Now, I ask you does this look like a man that hates cats?
I think not

Oh, I almost forgot Oskar is back!
You may remember him from earlier posts here in Oscar the New Pup
or in
Oskar We Did It! 
And one more
My Babies Playing in the Snow

He is a little grayer around the mouth and may have a little arthritis 
But he is going strong and happy as ever

He is after all the brother to Little King Trash Mouth

They act like brothers

They are so cute this cat and dog!

Now I'm singing CatDog!

I'll leave you today with these parting shots from I guess the Little King Trash Mouth Photo Shoot!

I'll be back later with a little more about how Oskar is doing!
Love that dog!
Here he is today walking the dirt road driveway with Catie

He really likes to hang right with you and not only does he love being with Catie,I now have a gardening companion! We garden and take walks almost daily. He is quick to let me know if I've forgotten to go in certain areas

Thinking of and praying for you all!
Stay safe!

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